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Washington, DC–The PA TIMES
is pleased to announce that the Summer Issue 2010 article “Gov 2.0
Revisited: Social Media Strategies in the Public Sector” by Ines…
When Mark Aesch became CEO of the public transit system in Rochester,
NY, in 2004, he faced a daunting challenge. The Rochester Genesee
Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) was facing a…
David Y. Miller, Kristen Michaels
the simplest terms, the Congress of Neighboring Communities, CONNECT is
an organization that promotes cooperation and collaboration between the
City of Pittsburgh…
Jill Tao
I am now “known” as both a professor and an activist...the latter is a
label I never thought I would wear. Political scientists may not mind…
Jill Tao
And so, after months of negotiations, a decision was made in September
2009 to begin furloughs for teachers in October. The outcry started when
the calendar…
Guest Columnist: ASPA President-Elect Erik Bergrud
Erik Bergrud
I write this column in the aftermath of learning that my chapter’s
January luncheon has been canceled. An arsonist…
Bob Lavigna
“My chief assets drive out the gate every day. My job is to make sure they come back.”
So says Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS, a…
Mary Van Verst, Debbie Schuffenhauer
As a part of its mission to engage all Americans in service, and as
directed by the 2009 Edward M. Kennedy Serve America…
David Swindell
Many years ago, I attended a neighborhood association meeting in a
large Midwestern city. It was a long meeting, as many of these can be.
Reorganization Rears Its Pretty Head: President Obama’s Surprise Proposal
Mordecai Lee
Out of the blue, during his State of the Union Address in late January, President Obama said he will propose a major reorganization of the federal…
February 4, 2011No CommentRead More