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Only the top leaders of these organizations can change culture over time to instill an unwavering respect for ethics and a zero-tolerance policy for those who insist on inserting their…
Of course, councils can say they want an activist manager yet not fully understand what that means and be unhappy when they get it. Indeed, no one said a city…
With data that suggests that productivity declined during the pandemic and the remote-work revolution, matching citizen and consumer post-pandemic service expectations may be the canary in the coal mine in…
Undergraduates are not clinicians. It is not unreasonable to expect that they may see public health as an administrative practice untethered to clinical practice. And that will be a good…
Today, everyone in Ukraine understands that smartphones act as access points to new opportunities and a new quality of life. …
Even though the Ukraine conflict, coupled with heightening geopolitical tensions due to the rise of an assertive China, will test India’s robust leadership and its ability to revive the G20’s…
Although traditional policing of the street may require alterations, there is certainly a role for street-level bureaucrats to enforce norms that promote public safety. What is lacking at the moment is…
How countries benefit from AI and data science will depend, in large part, on the existence of a comprehensive national action plan that can be implemented by the different levels…
Public administration (PA) educators face the challenge of selecting and organizing adequate and appropriate OER resources for course content and in planning and executing learning activities. In this article, I…
The employee may be seeking a new opportunity to zoom right out of the organization into a more progressive and evolved organization, if the answer is “no, remote work is…
Maternity Leave and Tenure Expectations During a Pandemic
As the pandemic continues, and universities provide some guidance and leeway on tenure timelines (pauses) for COVID-19, the time is ripe to reevaluate how we are assessing and experiencing maternity…
February 20, 20231 CommentRead More