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MPA programs can help build capacity in two primary ways. The first is by developing individual capacity. The second is by working with community organizations directly to help increase their…
During and after disasters, supplies must be delivered to restricted areas. However, the clearance process can slow the delivery of these essentials. The recently proposed Emergency Partner Credentialing System seeks…
Zappos, General Electric and Toyota. These companies have a distinct management style that permeates everything their managers and employees do. However, if your local government is like most, it lacks…
Fraud hotlines are confidential reporting mechanisms for tipsters to report allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement or other criminal conduct. Research suggests that would-be tipsters across the globe are often…
While personal responsibility is an important part of disaster preparedness, public administrators cannot ignore institutional and socioeconomic barriers people may face before, during and after a crisis. A community’s recovery…
Public administrators, citizens and members of Congress all say they want efficient, effective government. Yet, it is nearly impossible for the 535 members of Congress to oversee a $3.9 trillion…
What does a county do when they have limited resources but must meet the general health and disaster preparedness needs of a community? Kentucky’s Clay County faced this exact problem.…
No matter where you are in the country, emergencies can occur. If such an event affected your business, are you prepared to react and notify employees right away? All organizations…
ASPA’s Section on Intergovernmental Administration and Management (SIAM) invites paper proposals for the 2016 Deil S. Wright Symposium. The symposium honors the career and contributions of Professor Deil S. Wright,…
Schools are open again and students will receive their reading lists. Why not create your own reading list? Rather than reading professional books, read books that broaden your horizons. The…
Charles Dickens once wrote, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Given the intense focus on data driven decision-making, his words may ring true for…