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Home » 2015 (Page 40)

The National Foreign Policy Agenda – Phase I

The National Foreign Policy Agenda – Phase I

Last month, The White House released its official National Security Strategy, which lists the president’s global priorities. This document is perceived as the administration’s most coherent framework from which to…

Experiential Learning: So What?

Experiential Learning: So What?

MPA programs are often targeted toward in-service, mid-career professionals. It’s one thing to learn about history, theories and facts, but it’s another to have that knowledge base under your belt.…

FosterEd Works Across Sectors to Meet Children’s Needs

FosterEd Works Across Sectors to Meet Children’s Needs

Research consistently shows that students in foster care have extremely poor educational outcomes. Their outcomes are poor even when compared to the educational outcomes of other at-risk student subgroups, like…

The Political Dynamics Behind Government Budgeting Process

Different disciplines have different perspectives on government budgeting. Regardless of those perspectives, a government budget becomes a legal document once it is approved by the legislature. As the budgetary process…

BIDs Can Be the Catalyst For Social Equity

BIDs Can Be the Catalyst For Social Equity

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) have the capacity to be a catalyst to promote fairness and opportunity within neighborhoods and throughout an entire city. BIDs not only address security, marketing, beautification…

Do Current Social Issues Play Out in the Law?

Do Current Social Issues Play Out in the Law?

Public administrators continuously struggle with social issues, such as education, immigration and employment opportunities for ex-offenders. The law is the most important guide in how to address these issues. Through…

Frances Perkins: Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Frances Perkins: Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Americans jealously guard the social safety net—Social Security, unemployment insurance, minimum wage laws and workplace health/safety standards. But few know how these came to be. Frances Perkins, the first female…

Social Media Policy in the Aftermath of Ferguson, Missouri

Social Media Policy in the Aftermath of Ferguson, Missouri

If you watched the national news during August through November 2014, you saw extensive coverage of the social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. From the perspective of a former federal law…

Embracing Failure

Embracing Failure

Too often employees and organizations are judged by their failures. There are some professions where we expect perfect performance. Yet even in those cases failures sometimes happen. For the rest…

Understanding Customers in the Public Sector

Understanding Customers in the Public Sector

As government continues to look for ways to innovate and meet public expectations, one often hears that we should be more like the private sector. While the uses of balanced…

A President’s Education: How Much is Enough?

A President’s Education: How Much is Enough?

Currently, there is much debate about the requirements to become our nation’s top public servant, the president of the United States. I recently heard a conversation about whether a particular…