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Home » 2019 (Page 31)

Policymaking in the Public Right of Way: Preemption and Push-back

Policymaking in the Public Right of Way: Preemption and Push-back

Telecommunications policy is an area where local authority and federal priority have now come into conflict. While there are only a few tools local governments can use to assert…

Welfare to Public Choice to Corporate Responsibility: Valuing the Care Economy

Welfare to Public Choice to Corporate Responsibility: Valuing the Care Economy

Traditional markets usually fail to capture the care economy or the household labor associated with familial duties. Though long acknowledging some concepts of a care economy, American public policy has…

Striking the Right Note: Radio and Democracy in Nepal

Striking the Right Note: Radio and Democracy in Nepal

In a country of 123 languages, 125 castes or ethnic groups and 10 religions, news dissemination in Nepal seems nearly impossible. Radio, more specifically local radio, is an effective method…

Exploring the Appropriate Relationship Between Government and Business

Exploring the Appropriate Relationship Between Government and Business

There are clearly areas where business influences government and government influences business. Thus it is vitally important that business leaders understand how to ethically interact with policymakers.…

Why the Office of Technology Assessment Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Why the Office of Technology Assessment Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Before its defunding in 1995, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) provided Congress with nonpartisan science and technology analysis. If the OTA was still in existence, Congress could be doing…

Employee Engagement—Cutting Through the Babble

Employee Engagement—Cutting Through the Babble

Measuring and improving engagement doesn't have to be rocket science or brain surgery. The Institute for Public Sector Employee Engagement exists to help public-sector organizations measure and improve engagement, and…

Frankenrecord – The Monsters We Create

Frankenrecord – The Monsters We Create

Electronic health records have become a pool of plenty for anyone wanting easily accessible information. For instance, clinical information on large patient populations can be used for research. But there…

The Team Concept in Public Administration

The Team Concept in Public Administration

Teams are an excellent concept to embrace given the enormity of their success in the public sector. Teamwork takes on various forms and functions in making success more attainable. …

Internal Consulting: Unleashing Agency Talent

Internal Consulting: Unleashing Agency Talent

Internal consulting is a wonderful means by which to leverage the strengths of individuals already within our organizations. This practice serves not only these individuals but also the public agency…

Considerations as Congress Looks to Higher Education Legislation

Considerations as Congress Looks to Higher Education Legislation

Based on proposals put forward in the prior Congress, we can already see interest in policy changes regarding higher education. Understanding these broader ideas can help us to intelligently evaluate…

Innovation Risk Management

Innovation Risk Management

While we see the very clear direction being set for government to innovate, we also know that public sector organizations frequently demonstrate a culture of risk aversion. So how do…