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Home » 2019 (Page 37)

Smart Governance: Beginning to Explore Technological Innovation from Your Own Corner of the Public Sector

Smart Governance: Beginning to Explore Technological Innovation from Your Own Corner of the Public Sector

Cloud computing. Data mining. Blockchain technology. What does any of this mean and how do we, as public administrators, begin to define it in the scope of emerging smart governance?…

Directly Addressing Racial Equity and Justice Is the Only Way to a Better Future for the United States

Directly Addressing Racial Equity and Justice Is the Only Way to a Better Future for the United States

Recent political events vividly demonstrate how two terrible injustices, both related to racial equity, have severely twisted the social fabric of the United States. There is no way for this…

Social Equity and Redistricting

Social Equity and Redistricting

The phrase, “One person, one vote” has long been an aspirational feature of United States elections, but battles over redistricting often highlight potential ways for our system to fall short…

A Dangerous Game: Government Pricing and Its Real-World Effects

Now, more than ever, we need an honest examination of how effective the government has been regarding setting prices. In order to set prices, we must first be able to…

A Constitutional Standard to End Gerrymandering

A Constitutional Standard to End Gerrymandering

To cure the corruption of gerrymandering, take the profit out of it. The Constitution provides the standard for doing so by specifiying that representatives are to be chosen “by the…

Confidence in the American Future: The Terrible Unrecognized Cost of the Government Shutdown

During the four plus weeks of partial government shutdown—the 21st government shutdown since 1976 and the longest in our history—both politicians and pundits have spoken at length about the variety…

Virginians Narrowly Support Public Investment to Land Amazon HQ2

Virginians Narrowly Support Public Investment to Land Amazon HQ2

On November 13, 2018 Amazon publicly announced that it would be splitting its second opening headquarters into two different cities: one in New York and one in Northern Virginia. Once…

Simple Solutions for Polarizing Paralysis

Simple Solutions for Polarizing Paralysis

It is an injustice that while the government continues to collect most revenues during a political shutdown, and essential employees continue to work, the money does not get to the…