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So, as we begin to plan to commemorate the 250th anniversary of America’s founding, let us reflect on our history and ensure that we continue to make progress toward a…
The earth’s water bodies are vital to keeping its balance as it produces half of the oxygen needed by human beings and houses almost 94 percent of the wildlife on…
Examining the implications of these traditions on leadership effectiveness allows organizations to reassess long-standing customs, adapt where necessary and create a culture that supports evolving and innovative expectations while preserving…
The question now remains: what will Jamaica become under Chinese neo-colonialism?…
Until more is done, I question when anonymity will stop hiding offenders from punishment, and when subway sex crimes won’t appear to be normalized as part of many women’s public…
By aligning internal practices with external expectations, we can reshape our reputation, reestablish credibility and emerge as leaders in an era where trust is the currency of success.…
It’s clear reform is needed. Many HR leaders agree but workforce issues are typically not high on the agenda of elected officials. As a suggestion, ASPA should address this problem.…
Who will hold governments in the United States accountable for energetically and enthusiastically contributing to systemic child abuse and neglect?…
It is difficult to impose a business practice in the civil service. For one thing, the goal of the government is not to achieve profit. It is not impossible, though,…
The structured routines of scientific thinking underlying Toyota Kata are universally applicable to iterative problem-solving for the myriad of challenges facing us. Consider a bold, visionary COOP as a standard…
Disaster Resilience: When To Walk Away
Certainly, current efforts to create disaster resilient communities should continue, but it might be time for practitioners and scholars to at least discuss the potential of a worst-case scenario where…
August 28, 2023No CommentRead More