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Home » Entries posted by Jillian Kaplan (Page 50)
Stories written by jkaplan
The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration.

Silence Is a Sin

Silence Is a Sin

The seriousness of recent whistleblower claims is increasing and administration actions against whistleblowers are accelerating. This column will examine a few examples involving recent whistleblowers and the resultant troubling administration…

When Public Servants Cannot Serve

When Public Servants Cannot Serve

Like many other industries, public administration will face challenges in the months and years ahead. It is important that we hold on to the passion that led us to this…

Making Things Happen in the Room

Making Things Happen in the Room

Can you read a room in order to recognize how people relate and what may impact their reactions? This skill can be instrumental in building support for your own proposals…

Ensuring the Cybersecurity of Our Local Governments in the COVID-19 Era

Ensuring the Cybersecurity of Our Local Governments in the COVID-19 Era

The shutdowns caused by COVID-19 have led to the single largest contraction of the United States economy since World War II. But there is one area that cities should not…

The Future is Plural: Why Most Contingency Plans are Obsolete

The Future is Plural: Why Most Contingency Plans are Obsolete

The COVID-19 pandemic has shed a flood light on inadequate or non-existent contingency plans across many sectors of government and industry. As public administrators, project managers and leaders we owe…

Government and the Space Between Us

Government and the Space Between Us

What we must think about now is which part of government still needs improving. We cannot retreat from the facts or from the events that brought us here. …

COVID-19, Terrorist Targeting and Remembering 9/11

COVID-19, Terrorist Targeting and Remembering 9/11

Administrators, focused on the virus as we are today, should use the upcoming anniversary of September 11 to review policies tied to best practices for a pandemic while maintaining good…

Anyone There?

Anyone There?

The past four months have provided the opportunity to reflect on how service delivery can adapt to the needs of community. We must get creative in our approach to developing…

The COVID-19 Enhanced Virtual Panopticon

The COVID-19 Enhanced Virtual Panopticon

With quarantine being the most effective measure to mitigate and control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, there has been an unprecedented use of commercial and governmental surveillance methodologies to…

Looking to Bastiat: Classic Advice for the Modern Crisis

Looking to Bastiat: Classic Advice for the Modern Crisis

In the midst of the economic chaos spurred from the COVID-19 pandemic, including rushed reopenings, unexpected shutdowns and stock market volatility, a haunting, yet inconspicuous question hovers above the country:…

Perception in Public Administration

Perception in Public Administration

Research shows the scientific development of emotional intelligence as a tool to drive thinking, behavior and performance is an essential skill. With the current state of the world, emotional intelligence…