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Home » Entries posted by Jillian Kaplan (Page 63)
Stories written by jkaplan
The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration.

Administrative Decisions and Efficiency and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Administrative Decisions and Efficiency and the COVID-19 Pandemic

By leveraging grace and finding points of convergence among fractious parties, it is possible to construct a decisionmaking system that supports the shared objective of keeping all citizens safe in…

Deliberating on the Frontlines of a Crisis

Deliberating on the Frontlines of a Crisis

Ireland’s Department of Public Health (I-DOH) framework offers a process for public administrators to exercise ethical leadership by proactively preparing frontline workers to provide for citizens’ immediate needs, while increasing…

Continuity and Calamity

Continuity and Calamity

Governments plan for crisis, but how can plans survive being implemented?…

Corona Pre-Crisis Stage: What Could We Have Done Differently?

Corona Pre-Crisis Stage: What Could We Have Done Differently?

Crisis management is commonly divided into three phases: a pre-crisis phase, a crisis response phase and a post-crisis phase. Worldwide, there were a lot of possible pre-crisis measures we could…

Immigration and Refugee Debates—Public Policy Controversies Dating Back to Plymouth Rock

Immigration and Refugee Debates—Public Policy Controversies Dating Back to Plymouth Rock

Americans today remain sharply divided over issues regarding immigration and refugees. The debate, as it has been since the Pilgrims landed, still involves differences of race, religion, economic factors, lifestyles…

Leveraging Technology, Making America Great Again

Leveraging Technology, Making America Great Again

Within the era of the rapidly unfolding Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are seeing the influence of technological breakthroughs and emerging trends in the public health sector.…

Technological Breakthroughs and Emerging Trends: Modifying Public Plans for Tele-Virtual Health

Technological Breakthroughs and Emerging Trends: Modifying Public Plans for Tele-Virtual Health

Tele, virtual and digital medical options address patient health while improving accessibility and affordability across the continuum of care.…