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Building Back Trust in Government: A Few Easy First Steps

It's time to rebuild trust in government, one small change at a time.…

The Digital Divide Endangers Our Future

The Digital Divide Endangers Our Future

Solving the digital divide will not be easy, cheap or quick. It will take sustained resolve and innovation, as well as a fuller understanding of the debilitating effects of the…

A Different Take on Leadership Qualities

A Different Take on Leadership Qualities

Experience has taught me that there are 14 critically important qualities for managers of all types. If city and county managers possess these qualities, I am convinced they can be…

Cyber Space Enabled Role for Public Administrators in Writing History: Developing Countries’ Context

Cyber Space Enabled Role for Public Administrators in Writing History: Developing Countries’ Context

Since public administrations have always been charged with keeping records straight, what is their role in making sure history is not manipulated?…

Prosecutorial Discretion vs Directive: Impacts on Policy & Policing

Prosecutorial Discretion vs Directive: Impacts on Policy & Policing

Most people agree that criminal justice reform is needed, and diversion programs may be preferable in some cases. But who should decide? The Rule of Law is a principle under…

Infusing Equity into Public Budgets: The Gender Perspective

Infusing Equity into Public Budgets: The Gender Perspective

Opening the core routines of budgeting to include equity will shine a light on inequitable social and economic policies and make government fairer and more responsive.…

Operation Warp Speed: A Template for Successful Public/Private Partnerships

Operation Warp Speed: A Template for Successful Public/Private Partnerships

On May 15, 2020, the Trump Administration implemented Operation Warp Speed (OWS) to develop therapeutics and a vaccine to combat COVID-19. What follows are this author’s three most important takeaways…

COVID-19 Accelerates the Acceptance of Agile Government

COVID-19 Accelerates the Acceptance of Agile Government

All the governments made mistakes and stumbled in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, government officials learned much and made great strides in reinventing government policymaking and delivery of services.…

Pandemic, Parenting and Academic Productivity—Oh My!

Pandemic, Parenting and Academic Productivity—Oh My!

While the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged United States communities, it has placed numerous additional burdens on parents and children, especially women seeking tenure-track appointment at universities. …

Reframing Public Policy for Centenarians

Reframing Public Policy for Centenarians

Our goal in America should be to include older adults in work and community spheres. We need to embrace programs and policies that address the demographics of America’s aging population.…