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Goodbye 2020: Lessons Learned from a Year of Resilience Amidst a Confluence of Challenges

Goodbye 2020: Lessons Learned from a Year of Resilience Amidst a Confluence of Challenges

Resiliency has taken on new meaning as both the public and private sectors have worked to enhance the efficiency of their operations. As we move toward 2021 it is a…

What Will the Government Workforce of 2030 Look Like?

What Will the Government Workforce of 2030 Look Like?

The Deloitte Center for Government Insights just released their report, Creating the Government of the Future. This article will focus on the five innovations described in the report regarding the…

Reflecting on 2020 and Looking Ahead to a Challenging 2021

Reflecting on 2020 and Looking Ahead to a Challenging 2021

In times of crisis there is opportunity to rethink service delivery, challenge our assumptions, modernize our social service systems and build a fairer government. The continuing impacts of COVID-19 will…

Public and Private Financial Administration: A Great Dance

Public and Private Financial Administration: A Great Dance

If we believe it valuable that public officials be trained in MPA programs, then more MPA programs should implement finance tracks that are rigorous and market-focused.…

Examining What Lies Ahead: Enduring Growth, Building Resilience and Changing Perspective

Examining What Lies Ahead: Enduring Growth, Building Resilience and Changing Perspective

If we (as leaders and managers) take the opportunity to make the most out of forced change, then we can improve the systems and processes within our organizations that honestly…

Municipal Diversity Plans: Transitioning from Performative to Purposeful

Municipal Diversity Plans: Transitioning from Performative to Purposeful

Transitioning from a performative municipal diversity plan to a SMART, purposeful Diversity, Equity and Inclusion plan that effectively addresses the root causes of systemic racial inequality is key in the…

Professionals in Government: A Necessity or Luxury?

Professionals in Government: A Necessity or Luxury?

The Trump Administration calls for reclassifying positions with a policy component into a new personnel category Schedule F.—a designation that would strip them of long-held civil service protections and allow…

Pandemic: Bigger Than We Think—Part Two

Pandemic: Bigger Than We Think—Part Two

This column points out how human drives for land, water and food let loose pathogens that can kill us—millions of us. Population pressure is causing us to break more and…

Memo to the President: America needs an agency like the former Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Memo to the President: America needs an agency like the former Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

It would be important for the incoming administration to have a forum for examining and suggesting improvements to the relations between federal, state, local and tribal governments. President-elect Biden should…

Professional and Personal Pointers for Credible Communication

Professional and Personal Pointers for Credible Communication

In communication, it is critical for the encoder (the message originator) to understand the way the decoder (the person or body receiving the message) will interpret the information conveyed. Thus,…