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Mask Wearing—Theater or Obligation?

Mask Wearing—Theater or Obligation?

To wear or not to wear a mask—that’s today’s question. Before you answer, consider the legal, political and ethical bases for subscribing to a pattern of behavior. …

Transitioning From an Empire to a Leading Contributor

Transitioning From an Empire to a Leading Contributor

Administrative leadership is not about being smarter than everybody else—it is about effectively and efficiently guiding individuals to help solve the tough and challenging problems we share.…

The Proposed Wealth Tax—Is it Constitutional? Equitable? Revenue Generating?

The Proposed Wealth Tax—Is it Constitutional? Equitable? Revenue Generating?

In this year’s presidential primaries and debates, there was a lot of interest about a proposed wealth tax for very high-income American taxpayers. This is not a new idea, and…

Washington, District of Controversy: Examining Statehood for America’s Capital

Washington, District of Controversy: Examining Statehood for America’s Capital

The 2020 push to acquire statehood for America’s capital is the most recent chapter in an initiative that has spanned decades, and consensus on the issue is far from unanimous.…

Serving Children and Families with Equity and Inclusion

Serving Children and Families with Equity and Inclusion

It is essential to gather data on the harmful effects of stigma against persons with substance use disorders and cognitive disabilities, and on the effects of trauma and adverse childhood…

Empathetic Equity in the Community and the Workplace: Managerial Theory and The Adjustment Bureau

Empathetic Equity in the Community and the Workplace: Managerial Theory and The Adjustment Bureau

Public policies have long tried to mesh empathy and equity together; an empathetic equity. However, empathetic equity is burdensome because it is bias toward groupthink. Thus, public approaches to human…

Discovering Meaning in Public Administration Through the Lens of Politics

Discovering Meaning in Public Administration Through the Lens of Politics

The complex background of social, economic, political and moral turbulence from current events has created a perfect storm. As a result, the search for meaning in public administration has never…

The Municipal Budget Onion Analogy

The Municipal Budget Onion Analogy

Municipal budget season is kicking off, and our backyard vegetable garden is in bloom. This a perfect time for the municipal budgeting onion analogy. So what exactly do onions and…

“Swinging for the Fences”: The Continued Pursuit of Excellence

“Swinging for the Fences”: The Continued Pursuit of Excellence

As public sector leaders. We need to coach, train, mentor and prepare others, just as we prepare ourselves, readying everyone to face the challenges of our service environments. …

Community Policing After Minneapolis

Community Policing After Minneapolis

Now more than ever, community policing is a critical idea. There are and will be continued challenges. Some challenges are still to be identified. At some level, there will always…

What Counts As “Evidence?”

What Counts As “Evidence?”

No policymaker is going to get every decision right. But a careful and appropriate assessment of available evidence will lead to decisions that are more correct more often.​…