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Experiential Learning in the Knowledge Economy

Experiential Learning in the Knowledge Economy

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASPA as an organization. By Angela Pool-Funai April 19, 2016 The traditional classroom setting…

Service Learning: My Experience on a City Audit Committee

Service Learning: My Experience on a City Audit Committee

Audit committees are an important part of municipal governance and provide a city (and its citizens) with competent and timely oversight of the internal controls governing financial reporting and accounting…

The Keys to Effective Communication in Public Organizations

The Keys to Effective Communication in Public Organizations

An important component found within highly effective public organizations, is a strong culture of communication. Effective communication within a public organization makes an important and crucial contribution, both to its…

Jackie Robinson and Social Equity in the Public Sector

Jackie Robinson and Social Equity in the Public Sector

A few years ago, I wrote an article questioning if diversity and inclusiveness were really possible. Today, I’m still asking myself the same question. When it comes to diversity and…

The Role of Mobile Apps in Public Administration of Disaster Relief

The Role of Mobile Apps in Public Administration of Disaster Relief

Mobile apps are now taken for granted in our society. Thanks to this wonderful era of mobile technology, there is an app for practically everything needed to make our lives…

How Responsible Are School Employees for Campus Safety?

How Responsible Are School Employees for Campus Safety?

We've heard that we need more focus on mental health resources to help prevent school shootings. It is also asserted that gun ownership policy must be re-examined whenever a school…

Encouraging a Neighborhood Contingency Policy for America’s First Responders

Encouraging a Neighborhood Contingency Policy for America’s First Responders

Americans depend upon their local responders in the first hours following a crisis. What many don’t realize is that a large percentage of first responders serve in a volunteer capacity.…

“Connecting” with Disconnected Youth

“Connecting” with Disconnected Youth

Far too many American youth are disconnected – one in seven to be exact. They are not going to school and they don’t have a job. They are…

Can Smokey Bear Survive a Forest Fire?

Can Smokey Bear Survive a Forest Fire?

Forest fires are an essential part of nature’s delicate balance. Emergency management planning for fire control should include recommendations for sustaining our environment. The future of inhabited urban areas will…

EPA Hearing Serves as Case Study in Politics and Administration

EPA Hearing Serves as Case Study in Politics and Administration

The Environmental Protection Agency’s recent hearing is a good case study in politics and administration. It highlights the importance of legislation and congressional oversight (the political side) and an agency’s…

The Ecosystem Approach to Open Government Data Access Programs

The Ecosystem Approach to Open Government Data Access Programs

The open government data movement has rapidly spread worldwide. Over 100 nations have adopted laws relating to open access to government data. The open government data movement has spread to…