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Improving Police Recruitment Within the Community

Improving Police Recruitment Within the Community

In a world where the allure of being a police officer is dwindling, it may be time to sound the alarm of drastically changing how to recruit for the future.…

Ethical Decisionmaking: Maybe a Good Mood isn’t Better

Ethical Decisionmaking: Maybe a Good Mood isn’t Better

The moment-to-moment variability of moods can impact the quality of judgments in ways administrators cannot control. This variability should cause administrators to identify and reduce noise so their decisions will…

Ambiguity and Accountability

Ambiguity and Accountability

We should reasonably expect that street level bureaucrats are responsible for the consequences of their decisions. They should be judged on those consequences (considering extenuating circumstances), and not simply on…

COVID-19 Impact on Emergency Management

COVID-19 Impact on Emergency Management

While COVID-19 has added another layer of complexity to emergency managers’ challenging responsibilities, it does provide the emergency management field an opportunity to guide its respective governmental organizations to become…

How the Public Sector is Changing Through Digital Transformation

How the Public Sector is Changing Through Digital Transformation

Numerous departments and agencies in the public sector exist to serve, protect and connect citizens to their government. A growing movement to push for digital transformation in these departments is…

The New Republic: Is it a Branding Strategy?

The New Republic: Is it a Branding Strategy?

The term “New Capital” may be part of the new branding campaign for Egypt. More attention to all the dimensions of what constitutes good governance is still called for, whether…

Privilege, Access and Navigating the Ohio Vaccination System

Privilege, Access and Navigating the Ohio Vaccination System

In this 2021 series, we take a closer look at the concept of deservedness as it pertains to local governance and beneficiaries of public programs. We will focus on the…

Leadership Development: Building Budget Skills Early

Leadership Development: Building Budget Skills Early

Like any skill, budget proficiency comes with study and practice. To prepare people for success, we need to provide them with budget skills early in their careers, particularly in the…

Linking Villages: A Road to Development

Linking Villages: A Road to Development

Rural road connectivity is a key component of rural development, promoting access to economic and social services.…

Diversity: A Key Pillar for Sustainable Organizations in the Wake of Potential Economic Recovery

Diversity: A Key Pillar for Sustainable Organizations in the Wake of Potential Economic Recovery

Nonprofit organization leadership should always consider the long-term strategies that aim to sustain their organizations’ existence, services and operations. Organizations are encouraged to build a resource development strategy based on…