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Searching for Political Wisdom

Searching for Political Wisdom

A politically wise man would recognize that he is more ignorant than informed, more prejudiced than objective, in possession of limited intellectual abilities and constrained by his own education and…

Personal Relations

Personal Relations

American citizens differ in their political views, at times to the point of vitriol. We can disagree so fundamentally, yet find good in each other in the space between. …

Is American Public Administration in Decline?

No. Despite the recent conclusions of Francis Fukuyama, Public Administration (PA) is not a field that has “lost its way again” after a “period of innovation and creativity driven by…

Reclaiming My Time

Reclaiming My Time

According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, females account for only 12 percent of Law Enforcement Officers. Most of us have heard of “breaking the glass ceiling;” however,…

Using Experiential Learning to Develop Communication Competencies

Using Experiential Learning to Develop Communication Competencies

Numerous studies show that employers—both public and private sector—believe that communication competencies are not only critical for the organization, but an area in need of improvement for most employees. Employers…

Protecting Against Poverty-Stricken Old Age

Protecting Against Poverty-Stricken Old Age

We’re living longer and healthier lives, but an increasingly older population means an increasing pull on government entitlement programs. The rising cost of health care for seniors, the economic burden…

Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination

There are many types of discrimination we can experience in the workplace. However, according to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the 12 most common discrimination types are…

Infrastructure: Testing Ground for Organizational Collaborative Governance?

Infrastructure: Testing Ground for Organizational Collaborative Governance?

Ultimately, the perceived challenges associated with infrastructure serve as enticements (or low hanging fruit, if you will) for organizational behavioral solutions emanating through newly structured collaborative governance.…

Limiting Free Speech on Campus

Limiting Free Speech on Campus

America was founded on the basis that there are certain rights that we are granted by living and breathing. As America has grown, practitioners have entered leading roles who want…

Who Cares for the Caregivers? Reaching the Limits of Public Policy

Who Cares for the Caregivers? Reaching the Limits of Public Policy

This summer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a stunning report on the incidence of suicide in the United States. From 1999 to 2016, suicide rates increased more…

The American Soul

The American Soul

Let’s talk about the American Soul, shall we? We talk about the essence of what Americanism is — but the term “soul” remains somewhat elusive. If you believe that we…