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Home » Archives by category » Commentary (Page 261)

Controlling Medicaid Spending in an Aging Population: Cost Versus Equity?

As Congress ponders options in health care reform, the nation is also facing a dilemma of how to provide cost-effective services that greatly benefit the increasing number of people aging…

PA, Social Justice and the Right to a Roof Over Our Heads

The homeless have little income, little education and little representation. Any time a segment of the citizenry has significant needs and is effectively unrepresented in the democratic process, there is…

The ASPA, CPM Connection: Delivering Quality Professional Development Programs and Educational Services to the Public Sector

The ASPA, CPM Connection: Delivering Quality Professional Development Programs and Educational Services to the Public Sector

The Certified Public Manager (CPM) Program is a nationally recognized professional development program for supervisors and managers in both government and the nonprofit sector.

Alert Managers–Positive Employee Results

Managers should consider leading by example and being part of the overall team.

Tuition Reimbursement: Don’t Throw Your Investment Away

An individual who has attained a degree and is unable to move up in the organization may begin to develop low morale.

Re-Emphasizing Employee Development in Public Administration

…the end result too often is a highly skilled individual who does not know how to
inspire, lead or manage people, or an employee who doesn’t know the best way…

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