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Why the Office of Technology Assessment Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Why the Office of Technology Assessment Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Before its defunding in 1995, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) provided Congress with nonpartisan science and technology analysis. If the OTA was still in existence, Congress could be doing…

Understanding Public Administration Through the Concept of Failure

Understanding Public Administration Through the Concept of Failure

Because the bottom line in the public sector is less clear, our benchmarks for success are often vague and contested. Less discussed, but just as useful, is the nature of…

The Crisis of Water Infrastructure in Shrinking Cities

The Crisis of Water Infrastructure in Shrinking Cities

Shrinking cities are losing a good chunk of their populations, yet must still find a way to update infrastructure. How can updates to essential services like water lines be funded…

America’s Public Policy: A Nietzschean Approach

America’s Public Policy: A Nietzschean Approach

It is vital that, as public policy officials, we are aware of the role values play in our decisions regarding sociopolitical matters. The changing of America and its values is…

Do School Districts Close the Right Schools?

Do School Districts Close the Right Schools?

When Chicago closed 49 schools in 2013, this decision drew national attention. What factors could have led to the selections of the schools fated to close?…

A Constitutional Standard to End Gerrymandering

A Constitutional Standard to End Gerrymandering

To cure the corruption of gerrymandering, take the profit out of it. The Constitution provides the standard for doing so by specifiying that representatives are to be chosen “by the…

Confidence in the American Future: The Terrible Unrecognized Cost of the Government Shutdown

During the four plus weeks of partial government shutdown—the 21st government shutdown since 1976 and the longest in our history—both politicians and pundits have spoken at length about the variety…

Simple Solutions for Polarizing Paralysis

Simple Solutions for Polarizing Paralysis

It is an injustice that while the government continues to collect most revenues during a political shutdown, and essential employees continue to work, the money does not get to the…

Ethical Considerations in Public Administration

Ethical Considerations in Public Administration

For public administration to regain much of the lost respect and trust, administrators must shy away from structural idealism as a basis for their decisionmaking and ensure a strong ethical…

Survey Says?

Survey Says?

As I write this column, the federal workforce is entering 2019 with a partial government shutdown and a pay freeze. This same workforce was subjected to two very short shutdowns…

Honest Social Conflict or Dishonest Harmony? The Time for a Decision

Honest Social Conflict or Dishonest Harmony? The Time for a Decision

What of honest social conflict? What are the benefits, the dangers? The great Dr. W.E.B. Dubois once wrote, “either ignorance will destroy America or America will destroy ignorance.” We are…