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Home » 2021 (Page 32)

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Financial Impacts on Small Cities

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Financial Impacts on Small Cities

Emerging data suggests that neither small nor large cities are shielded from the economic impacts of COVID-19.…

“Build Back Better” Requires Going Beyond Hard Infrastructure

“Build Back Better” Requires Going Beyond Hard Infrastructure

The COVID-19 crisis appears to reveal a number of vulnerabilities in the vital “soft” components of America’s infrastructure such as adaptive planning, skills training and access equality.…

Both Correctional Custody of Aging Prisoners and Nursing Home Reform Need Transformational Change

Both Correctional Custody of Aging Prisoners and Nursing Home Reform Need Transformational Change

What do prisons, especially given a growing population of aging inmates, have in common with nursing homes? Although many people might not initially equate nursing homes with prisons, there are…

Teaching Public Administration Through Blending Learning: 15 Years Later

Teaching Public Administration Through Blending Learning: 15 Years Later

COVID-19 has accelerated the move toward online teaching where the old, "Sage-on-the-stage," and, "Death by Zoom webinar," doesn't work anymore. Think of how much better simulations can enhance online public…

Papers and Presidencies: Encouraging Adherence to the Presidential Records Act

Papers and Presidencies: Encouraging Adherence to the Presidential Records Act

Public access to presidential records is an important resource in attempts to hold former presidents to account for decisions made during their time in office and a vital tool for…

Redefining Law Enforcement

Redefining Law Enforcement

Local governments continue to face challenges in evaluating their police departments amid public outcry over reform.…

Lean Vaccination of Our Nation

Lean Vaccination of Our Nation

The core tenet of Lean integrates efficiency with quality. The mission to vaccinate the majority of the American people requires that duality.…

Direct Democracy

Direct Democracy

The clamor for Direct Democracy has gone out across the country. But I must say, getting what you want is not always what you need. …

The American Middle Class; A Brief History

The American Middle Class; A Brief History

Revitalization of the middle class is the focus of this series of monthly articles. What exactly is the middle class and why is it so important that our political leadership,…

L is for Liberty

L is for Liberty

Government over-reach can be a glaring problem to unity and a well-functioning society. However, government administrations that are reasonable and responsible in their approach to monetary policy, taxing, spending and…

Abraham Lincoln and His Legacy to American Public Administration

Abraham Lincoln and His Legacy to American Public Administration

This year marks the 212th anniversary of Lincoln’s birth. It is a fitting time not only to examine his career as the nation’s Chief Executive during the bloodiest war in…