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Home » 2021 (Page 34)

Dancing with Wolves—The Failure of Government Oversight of Nursing Homes Before and During the Pandemic

Dancing with Wolves—The Failure of Government Oversight of Nursing Homes Before and During the Pandemic

Despite assurances that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) held nursing homes accountable through regulatory oversight, evidence suggests that the agency failed miserably. …

The Sports Fields of Cleveland and Washington, D.C. Present a Golden Opportunity for the Biden Administration to Create Dialogue through a Federal Bureau Name Change

The Sports Fields of Cleveland and Washington, D.C. Present a Golden Opportunity for the Biden Administration to Create Dialogue through a Federal Bureau Name Change

Renaming the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) would demonstrate an eagerness on behalf of President Joe Biden’s administration in examining…

Losing Pounds, Gaining Perspective

Losing Pounds, Gaining Perspective

Noom, the solution that has helped me lose seven pounds in seven weeks, is based on the same thinking that can help governments deliver better outcomes for residents.…

Decreased Food Access: Another Challenge of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Decreased Food Access: Another Challenge of the Coronavirus Pandemic

While the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food access is not yet known, reports from nonprofit organizations, advocates, volunteers and community leaders are beginning to shed some light.…

Local Control, National Interests and Societal Outcomes in Implementing 5G

Local Control, National Interests and Societal Outcomes in Implementing 5G

Despite the contentious manner in which 5G has been implemented in the United States, the transformative capacities of the technology are profoundly promising.…

Actions, Accountability, Consequences and Healing

Actions, Accountability, Consequences and Healing

The question for all Americans is: Will we allow and support healing by ensuring the natural consequences for those inciting insurrectionist actions?…

Philanthropy in the Context of Biden’s Administration

Philanthropy in the Context of Biden’s Administration

The current developments that accompanied the 2020 elections and beyond further provided a decisive role for philanthropy and the non-profit sector.…

Admonition for New Office Holders, Community Leaders and All of Us

Admonition for New Office Holders, Community Leaders and All of Us

The contention and lack of tolerance in political circles and public dialogue has reached a boiling point. Too many so-called leaders are not only practicing this but encouraging it as…

The Growth of E- Commerce Markets in India During COVID-19

The Growth of E- Commerce Markets in India During COVID-19

With the gradual reopening of the markets, e-commerce in India is on the path of recovery.…

Digital Health Pass Systems for COVID-19 Tracking

Digital Health Pass Systems for COVID-19 Tracking

If digital health pass adoption comes to pass, this may help us move towards recovery in a safe manner. Going forward, policymakers and public administrators must examine these technologies with…