ASPA Chapters Celebrate Public Service Recognition Week
Washington, DC–In celebration of Public Service Recognition Week, ASPA chapters have been instrumental in shifting the conversation about public servants–at least for a week.
Across the country, chapters like the Greater Cincinnati Chapter, Evergreen Chapter, Greater Chicago Chapter, CenTex and many more distributed awards, solicited proclamations and held special events in honor of public servants.
As we close out another successful Public Service Recognition Week, here are some highlights of a few of events and honorees recognized by ASPA chapters.
Today, the Greater Cincinnati Chapter will host its 24th Annual PSRW Celebration by honoring their 29th Annual Public Administrator of the Year winners.
Those winners are:
- Cory R. Chadwick, Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services—
- Career Achievement
- Kayla Camp-Warner, Santa Maria Community Services—Early Careerist
- Joshua A. Smith, City of Hamilton—Individual Contributor
- Marcus Alan McGhee, Northern Kentucky University—Outstanding Student
- RAVEN 911 / GIS Department, Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments—Program Excellence
- Debbie Krueger, City of Fort Mitchell—Support Services
- Daniel P. Meloy, Colerain Township Police Department—Achievement in Innovation
- Alberta J. Mellon, Families with ASD—Outstanding Community Volunteer
In Seattle, the Evergreen Chapter hosted a night at Safeco Field, home of the Seattle Mariners, for public servants. The chapter also secured several proclamations in celebration of Public Service Recognition Week from Washington Governor Christine Gregoire , Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and King County Executive Dow Constantine.
The CenTex Chapter presented its Public Administrator of the Year award to Cedar Park City Manager Brenda Eivens.
The Georgia Chapter awarded its Public Administrator of the Year Award to Georgia’s Department of Driver Services Commissioner Gregory C. Dozier.
The Greater Chicago Area Chapter honored the following individuals:
- Terry Mazany–President and Chief Executive Officer of the Chicago Community Trust. Honored by the Greater Chicago Area Chapter.
- Paul Green–Roosevelt University. Honored by Greater Chicago Area.
2012 Dean F. Eitel Graduate Student Awards:
- Paige Largent, DePaul University
- Marcus Carroll, DeVry University
- Colleen S. Palmer, Governors State University
- Vincent Rivera, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Mary Nehring, Northern Illinois University
- Stephanie Leach, Northwestern University
- Ameshia Cross, Roosevelt University
- Adriana “Christy” Serrano, University of Chicago
- Meridel Trimble, University of Illinois at Chicago
2012 Model Administrator/Alumnus Awards:
- Douglas Ferguson, DePaul University
- Sylvia Martinez, Governors State University
- Sean Stegall, Northern Illinois University
- Dale Rush, University of Illinois at Chicago
- William Disselhorst, Illinois Institute of Technology
The State Academy of Public Administration in New York honored the following individuals and agencies at their May 9 Awards Ceremony:
- Lynn Hait of the New York Power Authority
- Nonie Manion of the Department of Taxation and Finance
- The Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT)
- New York State Department of Transportation emergency response team and support staff
The Maryland Chapter hosted a one day conference focused on innovation. At the conference, the chapter presented the following awards:
- Stephen C. Goss, Social Security Administration – Clifford R. Gross Award for Federal Government Public Service
- Celia S. Gabrel, Food and Drug Administration – Rising Star Achievement Award for Federal Government in Public Service
- Joseph Boyd, Moveable Feast – Nonprofit Public Service Achievement Award
- Union Baptist, Harvey Johnson Head Start – Nonprofit Agency Public Service Achievement Award
- Karen Sitnick, City of Baltimore – Janet L. Hoffman Award for Local Government Public Service
- Rosemary W. Malone, Maryland Department of Human Resources – Charles M. Mathias, Jr. Award for State Government Public Service
- Ja’Nai C. Keith, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development – Rising Star Achievement Award for State Government Public Service
- Hatim N. Jabaji, Maryland Department of General Services – Life Dedication Award for State Government Public Service
Meanwhile, ASPA’ s Sacramento Chapter presented the following awards:
- Elizabeth Parker, Dean of Pacific McGeorge School of Law – Public Administrator of the Year
- Cliff Allenby for 50 outstanding years in California State Government – Ross Clayton Lifetime Achievement Award
- Kiyomi Burchill, Assistant Secretary for California Health and Human Services – Rising Star Award
- William J. Vizzard, California State University Sacramento, Emeritus – Chester A. Newland Academic Excellence
- Sacramento Streamline – Innovation Award
- Tim Hodson, Center for California Studies, California State University, Sacramento (Posthumously) – President’s Award
- SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Ted A. Gaebler, co-author and outstanding Rancho Cordova City Manager – Commemorating the 20th anniversary of Reinventing Government

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