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For the first time in human history more people across the world are living in urban than in rural areas. This massive urban concentration creates great opportunities for economic growth and social progress but also poses challenging questions over the capacities of existing urban governance structures. Most metropolitan areas face complex and inter-related problems ranging from urban decay and environmental disasters to protest movements and rising social disorder and crime. Despite these social problems and tightening fiscal pressures, many cities have been able to leverage innovations that promote economic growth and development that extend to their surrounding regions and countries.
The College of Public Affairs at the University of Baltimore will host the 2013 Trans Atlantic Dialogue conference with the theme “(Re)Building Capacities for Urban Governance” June 12-1, 2013 in Baltimore, MD. Conference organizers are currently accepting abstracts for panels and workshops. Individuals interested in presenting at the conference, should submit an abstract of 400-700 words indicating the workshop and their full contact details by via email to 9[email protected] by January 11, 2013.
The Transatlantic Dialogue is a joint initiative of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). The 9th Transatlantic Dialogue continues a successful series that has been hosted at the Catholic University Leuven (2005, 2006); the University of Delaware (2007);SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan; (2008), George Washington University (2009); the University of Siena (2010); Rutgers University, Newark (2011); and Radboud University, Nijmegen (2012).
Over the years, the TAD conference has established itself as a forum where high quality, cutting-edge research in the field of Public Administration is discussed. The goal of the 2013 conference is to continue with this tradition in a format that maximizes the opportunity for meaningful exchange of ideas. Therefore, only a maximum of 80 participants from the US and Europe will be permitted to join the conference. All participants are expected to prepare and deliver a paper.
The 9th Transatlantic Dialogue brings together scholars and practitioners from both sides of the Atlantic to exchange ideas about how to help city governments develop the capacity to manage contemporary problems and take advantage of opportunities in an increasingly globalized environment. Our host city, the City of Baltimore, is an ideal setting for this dialogue. While Baltimore has had its share of struggles, it is also an example of reinvention and revitalization that is ranked 25th in the United States and 90th worldwide as an innovation city.
More information is available at: www.9tdad.org.
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