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Section on Public Administration Research (SPAR)
ASPA’s Section on Public Administration Research (SPAR) is seeking nominations for its sixth annual book award for public administration scholarship.
Books with copyright dates in either 2008 or 2009 are eligible. The book’s orientation may be quantitative, empirical, interpretive, ethnographic, historical, archival, normative or theoretical.
Textbooks and edited volumes are not eligible. A maximum of two book nominees will be considered from any single publisher.
Evaluative criteria include outstanding accomplishment of the research objectives, high-quality writing, and potential to constitute a lasting contribution to the public administration literature.
The winner of the award will receive a plaque, a small honorarium, and notice published in the American Review of Public Administration. The award will be presented at the SPAR section meeting in San José, CA, at the 2010 ASPA conference.
Nominations, including a short justification relative to the above criteria, should be made via email to [email protected]. The actual book should be mailed to the chair of the Committee: Susan Gooden and her committee members.
2010 ASPA Conference Registration Open
ASPA’s 2010 Annual Conference, Invigorating Public Service for Change, will be held April 9-13 in San José, CA, at the San Jose Fairmont. ASPA is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the conference. To register for the conference, visit www.aspanet.org.
A limited number of sleeping rooms are available at the San Jose Fairmont at a discounted group rate of $149.00 plus applicable taxes. Triple and quad rates are slightly higher. You must identify yourself as being with the American Society for Public Administration or ASPA in order to receive the discount. Reservations must be made prior to March 18, 2010, to qualify for the group rate. Reservations made after this date will receive the discount on a space available basis only. These discounted rates are available three days prior to the conference and three days post conference. Hotel reservations can be made by contacting the San Jose Fairmont at 1-408-998-1900 or 1-800-441-1414.
For more information about conference registration, contact Patricia Yearwood at [email protected] or 202-585-4309. For more information about hotel registration and general conference inquires, contact Judy Miller at [email protected] or 202-585-4306.
Show Your Commitment To Public Service, Give an ASPA Membership!
As we approach that time of year when gift giving is on your mind, why not give an ASPA membership! An ASPA membership is the best way to tell a colleague, new professional, or student how important their professional future is in the field of Public Service. So why not give the gift that keeps on giving…12 months a year? For only $75 (students $50) they’ll receive a year’s worth of Public Administration Review (PAR), PA?TIMES (both online and hard copies), a local chapter membership where networking and volunteer opportunities are available, plus many more benefits! Visit our website at www.aspanet.org today and be a part of the change in our society!
New Editor of Public Administration Review Sought for 2012
Due to term limits specified in ASPA’s bylaws, the six-year term of Richard J. Stillman, II as editor-in-chief of ASPA’s flagship publication will end in 2011. ASPA will be accepting proposals for the next editor-in-chief in early 2010.
The full Request for Proposal is available on ASPA’s website (www.aspanet.org) and
a “bidders’ summit” will be held in San José, CA, in April; coincideing with the ASPA Conference.
Do not miss this opportunity to lead a journal that consistently earns a top-three impact factor, renews at an outstanding 97 percent and boasts an international readership that rivals the United States.
Public Administration Book Proposals Welcome
The “ASPA Book Series in Public Administration and Public Policy,” publishes books that are relevant to ASPA members and practitioners. The ASPA Series is a partnership between ASPA and Taylor & Francis, a leading publisher. So far, six books have been released with another nine in press or in development.
In addition to the ASPA Series, Taylor & Francis publishes a well-established “Public Administration and Public Policy” book series with over 140 titles that broadly bridge theory with practice and can be used in practice or in classroom settings.
We consider single authored, co-authored and edited works. Have an idea? Waiting to write a book? A simple paragraph to Evan Berman, the editor-in-chief of both book series, is sufficient to get the discussion going. Contact him at [email protected].
Possible book topics include: Measuring the Performance of Health Care Organization; Measuring the Performance of Educational Organizations; Productivity Enhancement in Health Organizations Benchmarking; Pension Management; Outsourcing; Debt Management; Employee Performance Appraisal; Affirmative Action; Performance Budgeting; Benefits Administration; Labor-Management Cooperation; Statistical Methods in Public Administration; Effective Management Communication; Media Strategies in Public Administration; Job Analysis; Government Regulation of Business; Organizational Revitalization; Distributed Data Processing; Labor Contract Negotiations; Procurement Management; Economics for Public Administration; Revenue Forecasting; Age Discrimination; Reasonable Accommodation; Strategic Planning; Capital Budgeting; Government Financial Condition; Organization Development; Job Security; Accountability; Government Accounting and Standards; The Auditing Function; Team Development;
Want to know more? You can see examples of past books at: www.aspanet.org/scriptcontent/books.cfm and www.crcpress.com/ecommerce_product/browse_book_categories.jsf?category=PAD
We look forward to hearing from you.
ASPA Term Life Insurance Opportunities
When was the last time you reviewed your life insurance needs? Life Insurance is not something you buy once and forget about. Your life insurance needs change throughout your lifetime.
Major life events such as getting married, buying a home, starting a family and planning for retirement are a good time to reassess your life insurance needs, and if necessary, upgrade your coverage. Keep in mind that some experts recommend that you have as much as ten times your annual income in life insurance protection.
In the event of your death, proceeds from life insurance could be used to help:
• Pay mortgages and other debts
• Fund your children’s college education
• Replace income lost if you are not there to provide for your family
• Pay expenses likely incurred at the time of your death, including taxes, legal fees and funeral costs.
Term Life Insurance is designed to help safeguard your family’s financial future with significant life insurance protection at an affordable cost. To learn more about this valuable product–including plan features, costs, eligibility, renewability, limitations, exclusions and underwriting companies–and to access product application forms click the link on ASPA’s website www.aspanet.org.
Benefit Extended for ASPA Members
ASPA members have been receiving complimentary electronic copies of The Public Manager–a quarterly journal for practitioners that is dedicated to encouraging professionalism and high performance at all levels of government. The response to this new benefit has been tremendous! We are pleased to announce that your electronic subscription has been extended.
Please remember that if you would like to continue receiving an electronic copy of The Public Manager for free, you need to remain a member of ASPA.
Also, your latest free issue of The Public Manager is now available. Visit www.aspanet.org and log on to the ASPA website to download it in PDF format.
ASPA Book Series Introduces New Publication
ASPA, in partnership with Taylor and Francis Group, are proud to present The New Face of Government: How Public Managers Are Forging a New Approach to Governance by David E. McNabb. The latest title in The ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy explores how leaders at the federal, state and local levels are changing the art and practice of government and how public managers are shaping and guiding government’s response to the transformation.
Visit www.crcpress.com for more information on this book and to order your copy today. ASPA members receive a 15 percent discount on this and other books in the series. Simply enter the promo code 392DP at check out.
If you have an announcement for ASPA?in Brief, contact Christine McCrehin at [email protected].
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