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Washington, DC–The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA/Society) welcomed their new volunteer leadership during the Society’s recent national conference in Las Vegas.
Kuotsai Tom Liou, a professor at the University of Central Florida, assumed the ASPA presidency, replacing Erik Bergrud,
senior director, community and government relations for Park University,
who then became immediate past president. Steve Condrey,
chairman of the Federal Salary Council and president of Condrey and Associates, Inc., became president-elect and Allan
Rosenbaum, a professor at Florida International University, assumed his role as vice president.
Liou, who was elected vice president by Society members in 2010, participated in an interview with PA TIMES immediately after his election, discussing goals for his tenure as an ASPA officer. Click here to read that interview.
Liou will also continue the tradition of a President’s Column in each print issue of PA TIMES. His first will run in the July/August/September issue. Watch for it in your mailbox in early August.
Beyond its officers, ASPA is also governed by a National Council, made up of District Representatives. Each representative is elected by members from their respective District. Newly elected District Representatives assumed their positions during the recent national conference, too.
For a full list of ASPA Officers and National Council Representatives, including their contact information, please click here.
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