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Washington, DC–ASPA’s Southeastern Conference on Public Administration (SECoPA) is held once a
year and rotates between locations in the Southeast. It is hosted by
chapters in ASPA’s Southeast region, also known as ASPA’s Region III.
SECoPA’s mission is to enhance the
public service field in the Southeast by providing opportunities for:
Please see below the Call for Proposals for their upcoming conference.
If you have a panel idea, want to present a scholarly paper or have a professional experience which you want to share, we want to hear from you. We encourage students, practitioners and academics to submit proposals. ??Program tracks are listed below. However, if you have a topic that does not fit into one of the tracks, please contact the conference chair to discuss.
For academics and students interested in submitting a paper, please provide by email attachment a 150-200 word abstract of your paper. Practitioners who have professional experience to share do not have to present a formal paper. However, please provide an indication of the content of your presentation, e.g. an outline or some other written documentation of what people will learn or be able to do when they leave the session. Please also include a suggest track (from above bulleted list).??All proposals must be submitted by May 1, 2012 by email to [email protected] and [email protected].
For more information about the program, contact Jonathan P. West, Ph.D., or Allan Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Program Co-Chairs at [email protected] (305) 284-2500 or [email protected] (305) 348-1271.
For more information about the conference in general, contact Bill Solomon at [email protected] (305-755-7873), or Steven Bobes at [email protected] (305-375-2481), Conference Co-Chairs.
Students interested in presenting their research at the SECOPA 2012 conference are encouraged to submit their work and compete for the prestigious Robert L. Kline Award for master’s students or the Morris W. H. Collins Award for doctoral students. Paper Abstracts are due in coordination with the SECOPA Call for Papers by May 1, 2012.
Abstracts should be submitted to both [email protected] and [email protected] using the appropriate submission format found above, as well as to the appropriate committee chair at their respective email addresses, below:
Kline Chair: James Ward, (ASPA 3 Rep) Chair; [email protected]
Collins Chair: Sharon Wrobel (Secretary) Chair; [email protected]
For more information regarding Awards Criteria and Descriptions, go to:
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