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Home » Entries posted by PATIMES (Page 58)
Stories written by PATIMES
The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration.

A Post-Trump World

A Post-Trump World

Public Administration educators and other academics in higher education must be active participants in the policy dialogue and debate what is needed to shape the future of our nation. There are…

How Local Governments Can Address the Challenges of a Demographic Shift

How Local Governments Can Address the Challenges of a Demographic Shift

The demographic shift is looming for the next 150 years. In roughly a decade, the older population is projected to begin outgrowing the younger population due to low fertility rates…

A New Public Administration Paradigm Is Emerging

A New Public Administration Paradigm Is Emerging

The field of public administration is progressively—and I believe unwittingly—shifting into a new philosophical paradigm. This paradigm is the antithesis of the historical philosophical foundations established by George Frederickson in…

Finding Life Itself

Finding Life Itself

In the immediate aftermath of World War II, American soldiers were returning home. General MacArthur remained in Japan to oversee its reconstruction. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson was one…

Keeping Our Doors Open? An Overview of Refugee Resettlement Policy in The United States

Keeping Our Doors Open? An Overview of Refugee Resettlement Policy in The United States

Refugee resettlement in the United States is a contentious issue, and debates over resettlement policies seem likely to continue for the foreseeable future. In this article, I discuss how refugee…

Shattering Glass Ceilings, Miami Style

Research shows despite decades of progress, women hold few government senior management positions. A 2012 article in The Journal of Public Affairs Education notes women only hold 12 percent of…

“Thank you for your service.” Well, Actions Speak Louder Than Words…

“Thank you for your service.”  Well, Actions Speak Louder Than Words…

So, how are we really thanking Vietnam War, Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom, (OIF/OEF) and other military veterans for their service? Of course, we have a massive federal agency, the…

Common Goals: Developing an Approach to Performance Management Across an Organization

Common Goals: Developing an Approach to Performance Management Across an Organization

Through journal articles, books and speeches, many performance management experts focus on the importance of leadership in implementing performance management programs in government entities. Buy-in from leadership is critical —…

Effective Community Policing Begins in the Classroom

Effective Community Policing Begins in the Classroom

Community policing is viewed as an important concept and one that is necessary to build positive relations between law enforcement and the community served, yet, it continues to be difficult…

A Salute to Public Servants

A Salute to Public Servants

What can we in public administration do based on the current Trump presidency? One option is to practice continuous guerilla government in the form of whistleblowing, anonymous tips to the…

The Changing Face of the U.S

The Changing Face of the U.S

Our nation and our world is changing rapidly. By 2055, the U.S. will have no single racial or ethnic majority, as the population shifts to being more foreign-born. Currently, 14…