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Home » Entries posted by PATIMES (Page 60)
Stories written by PATIMES
The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration.

Intersector Briefing: Smart Cities and Cross-Sector Collaboration

Intersector Briefing: Smart Cities and Cross-Sector Collaboration

“Smart city” is a phrase referenced more and more often in discussions related to urban development, whether by urban planners, city leaders or tech companies. But what does it really…

The Indispensable Goodbye

The Indispensable Goodbye

The government wide freeze is over, but federal employee anxiety lingers as layoff threats remain. Some agencies have continued freezes while they plan more “surgical” cuts. President Trump’s 2018 proposed…

ERM in State and Local Government

ERM in State and Local Government

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has not received much attention from the public sector. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) introduced the ERM framework in 2004, about a decade after the…

Evergreen Chapter Facilitates Internship for Nursing Student from Japan

Evergreen Chapter Facilitates Internship for Nursing Student from Japan

In March 2017, members of ASPA’s Evergreen Chapter welcomed Ms. Marina Inagaki to Washington State for a two week internship. Marina is a doctoral candidate at the University of Hyogo…

The White House Chief of Staff – The Most Powerful Person in Washington?

The White House Chief of Staff – The Most Powerful Person in Washington?

I’ve often thought that the role of the White House Chief of Staff (WHCOS) was equal in complexity and responsibilities to about any other public servant’s role that I could…

Is America Experiencing a Migration Crisis?

Is America Experiencing a Migration Crisis?

America is a nation of migrants. Even before there was a United States, this land’s inhabitants were migratory. Migration has done more to create demographic shifts in America than any…

Root or Roundup?

Root or Roundup?

President Trump’s plan to improve government efficiency and effectiveness is standard operating procedure. Since Franklin D. Roosevelt, every President has sought to leave their mark on the federal bureaucracy. Some…

Freezing and Thawing the Debate on Talent

Freezing and Thawing the Debate on Talent

President Donald Trump’s executive order to freeze federal hiring, just 72 hours after taking office, surprised no one. He had pledged to do just that during the campaign. Since the…

Why Cuts to Health Care Lack Efficiency

Why Cuts to Health Care Lack Efficiency

Why was the ACA more efficient than the American Health Care Act? For starters, the individual mandate. The mandate stopped the “death spiral” trying to obtain fairly priced insurance by…

The Disappearance of the Public Sector? – Another Viewpoint

The Disappearance of the Public Sector? – Another Viewpoint

The May/June 2017 issue of PAR has a Perspective article titled, The Disappearance of the Public Sector? The main points are: Public sector values emphasize social justice, fairness, equity and quality of…

Enriching the College Classroom Experience

Enriching the College Classroom Experience

Now that campuses have settled into a post-commencement lull, it is a perfect opportunity for professors to rethink the way they facilitate and structure their seminars and small lectures. This…