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It Is Always a Pivotal Moment in Public Administration

It Is Always a Pivotal Moment in Public Administration

If we can grow and retain a well-oriented mindset there is reason for optimism in our field, country and around the world.…

Sustainability as an Altruistic Value Is So Passe:  How the Private Sector Positively Responds to Regulatory Mandate

Sustainability as an Altruistic Value Is So Passe:  How the Private Sector Positively Responds to Regulatory Mandate

There is nothing wrong with monetizing desired and measured public policies, particularly when they meet benchmarks of public good. …

Right Action? Wrong Action? How Do We Know?

Right Action? Wrong Action? How Do We Know?

Reminding ourselves that kindness is the key and that being vulnerable enough to ask ourselves, individually, how we can improve, will open the door to our ability to make the…

The New White House Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: A Step Forward in AI Governance?

The New White House Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: A Step Forward in AI Governance?

In the interim, a more constructive approach will rely on permission-less innovation, the legitimacy of law and jurisprudence and decentralized enforcement within specialized domains of “narrow” AI applications.…

The Emerging Financial Crisis in American Higher Education: Possible Strategies and Solutions

The Emerging Financial Crisis in American Higher Education: Possible Strategies and Solutions

A presidential blue-ribbon type commission to study this problem and make recommendations may be the ideal way to draw the needed buy-in from the many constituencies that make up colleges— government,…

Redefining Government Structures

Redefining Government Structures

Furthermore, facilitating services within the community allows for proactive and reactive government, as needed. While not all government agencies are able to reach out to the public in this manner, flexibility…

Training Public Administrators to Become Effective Communicators

Training Public Administrators to Become Effective Communicators

Public communication presents various innovative strategies for governments to better connect with their citizens. Public administrators need to learn the relevant communication skills and competencies to utilize these strategies effectively.…

The Pitfalls and Challenges of Digital Transformation in the United States Government

The Pitfalls and Challenges of Digital Transformation in the United States Government

By addressing these challenges, the government can better ensure its digital transformation journey leads to a more efficient, transparent and responsive public sector, overall advancing the welfare of its citizens…

Connection and Common Roots

Connection and Common Roots

It is becoming increasingly apparent that, in many ways, loneliness is both a longstanding and growing issue that threatens to unwind social progress and threaten the future collective efforts to…

The Importance of Public Administration Principles to Global Public Health Risk Assessments and National Health Action Plans

The Importance of Public Administration Principles to Global Public Health Risk Assessments and National Health Action Plans

Governments must devote resources toward recognizing the potential magnitude of a risk like antimicrobial resistance before it has already reached the tipping point and employ a One Health-based framework to…

Finding Our Path

Finding Our Path

I am actively fulfilling my passion of changing the world one person at a time, and I challenge you to discover what is standing in your way of fulfilling…