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Air Pollution Kills 195,000 Bangladeshis Each Year

Air Pollution Kills 195,000  Bangladeshis Each Year

Shakeel Ahmed Ibne Mahmood

The Problem
Air pollution kills 195,000 Bangladeshi each year, according to a World Bank report.

The Reluctant Troublemaker (Part 3)

Jill Tao

I am now “known” as both a professor and an activist...the latter is a label I never thought I would wear. Political scientists may not mind…

The Reluctant Troublemaker (Part 2)

Jill Tao

And so, after months of negotiations, a decision was made in September 2009 to begin furloughs for teachers in October. The outcry started when the calendar…

Reorganization Rears Its Pretty Head: President Obama’s Surprise Proposal

Reorganization Rears Its Pretty Head: President Obama’s Surprise Proposal

Mordecai Lee

Out of the blue, during his State of the Union Address in late January, President Obama said he will propose a major reorganization of the federal…

A Washington State Initiative: Veterans’ Service to Country, Service to Community

A Washington State Initiative: Veterans’ Service to Country, Service to Community

Mary Van Verst, Debbie Schuffenhauer

As a part of its mission to engage all Americans in service, and as directed by the 2009 Edward M. Kennedy Serve America…

Integrating Citizens into Local Governing How Much Democracy Can You Take?

David Swindell

Many years ago, I attended a neighborhood association meeting in a large Midwestern city. It was a long meeting, as many of these can be. There…

Fiscally Constrained Cities Protect Public Services with Volunteers

Civic Engagement the Key to Success in Community Building, Urban Revitalization and Our Future

Schnequa N. Diggs, Alexandru V. Roman

Historically, during times of economic adversity, American communities have relied on social connections. As far back as 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville in…

The Reluctant Troublemaker

Jill Tao

So, given the somewhat pitiful portrait I imagined for academics called into the limelight to belabor points of policy, imagine my surprise when I was drawn…

Now’s the Time to Look at University Development

“Once upon a time” is the usual way a story might begin, but in the case of university development at public colleges and universities, the story might begin with “About…

Testing Integrity in Online Courses: Big Brother Has Arrived

While Internet-based education has obviously, and by necessity, been dominated by technological concerns the medium has, more importantly, been viewed with skepticism for perceived weaknesses in ensuring course integrity, particularly…