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Summit of the Americas – President Biden’s Caribbean Policy

Summit of the Americas – President Biden’s Caribbean Policy

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASPA as an organization. Peter Lyn RenéJune 27, 2022 National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, June…

Looking at the East

Looking at the East

Time goes on as damage is done and done. Nature’s elements advance where human leadership wavers. This silent constituency finds an eternal home in America’s cemeteries. There, a crisis afflicts…

The Case for the People’s House

The Case for the People’s House

In this era when our republican institutions are under attack, and all possible means of strengthening our system should be pursued, it is past time to consider expanding the House…

Summer Reading

Summer Reading

In this column, I suggest several books from my bookshelf to consider for your summer reading...Yet their stories and lessons are enduring. Though not written for public administration, I challenge…

Addressing Democracy’s International Decline

Addressing Democracy’s International Decline

There is no best model for applying democratic principles but the Australian experience may suggest some lessons for others, including the United States...…

Global Warming and Local Challenges: India and Sustainable Development Goal 13

Global Warming and Local Challenges: India and Sustainable Development Goal 13

The blistering heat wave in northwest India was made over 100 times more likely because of human-caused climate change...…

Equity Champions to Promote Social Equity in Emergency Management

Equity Champions to Promote Social Equity in Emergency Management

An equity champion is a person trained, empowered, available and committed to the goals of social equity...This champion is an advocate for the vulnerable, and the best would have enough…

Crisis in the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Part 2—Making Peace with Nuclear Weapons

Crisis in the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Part 2—Making Peace with Nuclear Weapons

There must be a political solution possible that expands the tax base, supports key social programs, ends the huge annual budget deficits and provides the resources to fix the NWC.…

Moving Past the Culture Wars

Moving Past the Culture Wars

the politics of our day are not the politics of nuance and debate. We seem keen to confirm our biases rather than explore the possibility that others may be right,…

Reframing: Leadership Assumptions—The Set-up-to-Fail Syndrome vs. The Halo Effect in the Workplace

Reframing: Leadership Assumptions—The Set-up-to-Fail Syndrome vs. The Halo Effect in the Workplace

It is unrealistic that leaders only acknowledge and reward those perceived to be the most talented employees. Let us be mindful of the differences between employees' knowledge, experiences and past…

U.S. Gas Prices Rising, Who’s to Blame?

U.S. Gas Prices Rising, Who’s to Blame?

If policymakers applied the concept that most economists recommend—that you produce as much oil as you consume—the gas price upsurge would be discernible during any crisis or uncertainty in the…