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Long Beach, CA–ASPA’s National Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) recently announced their officers for the upcoming fiscal year.
The following COMPA members were elected, as the ballots were counted and confirmed at the last Executive Board Meeting on May 17, 2012:
President: Brandon J. Mims
Vice President: Andrew Ewoh
Treasurer: Michael Massiah
Secretary: William Carter
Parliamentarian: Michael Adams
The new officers will be officially installed on July 1, 2012. The President Elect has scheduled a Board Retreat and COMPA Strategic Planning Meeting July 13-15, 2012. All COMPA members are encouraged to attend. The Retreat will take place aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. For more detailed information, visit the COMPA website.
The Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) is one of America’s leading national organizations-committed to excellence in public service and public administration in city, county, state and federal government. Founded in 1971, COMPA was established as a Section of the American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) in 1977 and is a broad-based minority membership Section of ASPA. COMPA strives to provide a forum for leadership and professional development of minority public servants, administrators, engineers, governmental officials and technologists.
The mission of COMPA is to advance the science, processes, technology, art and image of public administration by providing leadership in the elimination of discriminatory practices against all minorities. Additionally, to serve and assist public administrators, students and other professionals involved in public service. COMPA is dedicated to achieving and supporting the following goals for its members:
For more information on COMPA and how to join, visit the COMPA website at www.compaonline.org.
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