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The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASPA as an organization.
By Dean Gialamas
June 14, 2024
Leadership is a topic extensively covered in numerous articles, books and seminars. The essence of effective leadership boils down to a single fundamental principle: Leaders create leaders. Leadership is inherently about influence, and influence is impossible without growing people. Thus, the true test of a leader lies in their ability to successfully attract, influence and create others into leaders.
The Law of the Lid
John Maxwell, in his seminal work, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” introduces the concept of the “Law of the Lid.” This principle can be succinctly summarized: Your leadership ability determines your success. The more effective you are as a leader, the more success you will achieve. This effectiveness is reflected in the number of followers you attract, the extent of your influence and the number of leaders you create. As Maxwell states:
“Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The lower an individual’s ability to lead, the lower the lid on his potential. The higher the individual’s ability to lead, the higher the lid on his potential. To give you an example, if your leadership rates an 8, then your effectiveness can never be greater than a 7. If your leadership is only a 4, then your effectiveness will be no higher than a 3. Your leadership ability—for better or for worse—always determines your effectiveness and the potential impact of your organization.”
The Impact of the Leadership Lid
If your organization growth and influence are contingent upon your leadership, then its potential is capped by the leader’s effectiveness. Leadership is the deciding factor in the size and success of departments, services, branches, divisions, units or teams. In other words, if growth is stagnant, it signals a leadership issue—your “lid” may holding back both you and your organization.
Consider this scenario: Suppose you are a level 6 leader on a scale of 1 to 10. Under your leadership, your business and your team will remain under this level 6 cap. You won’t attract higher-caliber individuals (level 7, 8, 9 or 10). If by chance you do attract them, they will likely become frustrated and disengaged, eventually leaving your organization in search of more challenging environments.
Raising Your Leadership Lid
Improving your leadership ability requires intentional practice and effort. Here are five practical steps you can take to elevate your “Leadership Lid”:
1. Commit to Lifelong Learning: Leadership is a journey, not a destination. Dedicate yourself to the continuous pursuit of knowledge. Read or listen to books and articles on leadership. Engage with thought leaders and stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in leadership.
2. Invest in Yourself: Attend seminars, workshops and webinars or use a mentor or coach. These platforms provide valuable insights and growth opportunities. Participating in events and using a coach or mentor shows your commitment to personal and professional growth.
3. Practice Leadership: Take on new challenges that push you out of your comfort zone. Leading through these experiences will help you grow. Reject failure and embrace mistakes as a learning tool. When you push through adversity, you gain resilience and knowledge.
4. Add Value to Others: Share your experiences and knowledge. Volunteer to mentor, give speeches, write articles or participate in community leadership activities. Adding value to others not only helps them but also enhances your leadership credibility and influence.
5. Embrace Discomfort: Growth often occurs outside your comfort zone. Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Mistakes and setbacks are part of the learning process. They only become detrimental if you let them stop you (i.e., fail).
Evaluating Your Leadership
Take time to reflect and assess your leadership lid. Are you effectively influencing others? Are you a leader worth following? Are you creating other leaders? John Maxwell emphasizes, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” This statement captures the essence of effective leadership. Your ability to lead not only impacts your success but also the success of those who rely on you.
In conclusion, lifting your leadership lid is essential for personal and organizational growth. By committing to continuous learning, investing in yourself, practicing leadership, adding value to others and embracing discomfort, you can enhance your leadership effectiveness. As you raise your leadership lid, you will attract and influence more followers, thereby increasing your organization’s success. Remember, leadership is a journey, and your willingness to grow will determine your effectiveness and the extent of your influence.
Author: Dean Gialamas is an executive manager with the County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department. He leads a team in the executive office responsible for enterprise transformation, accountability and leadership development for an organization that support 40+ other county departments. Dean is a lifelong leadership learner, energetic keynote speaker, government intraprenuer, and certified high-performance coach who can be reached at [email protected]
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