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Playing The “Regulatory Uncertainty” Card
Is America’s economic recovery being stymied by the “uncertainty” associated with new or changing federal regulation? Are businesses standing on the sidelines while they wait for the rule-making whirlwind to settle? Remapping Debate recently set off in search of real-world confirmation of this oft-heard claim — one made, over the past year or so, by a multitude of public officials, pundits, academics, and corporate leaders and lobbyists.
To read this article, go to: remappingdebate.org
States Fear Local Effects if Shutdown Cuts Off Cash
Already straining to make ends meet as the longest downturn since the Great Depression grinds on, state and local governments are now facing a new, unwelcome question: What would a shutdown of the federal government mean for their struggles to balance their budgets?
To read this article, go to: NYTimes.com
GOP’s Paul Ryan Goes Hollywood to Sell Federal Budget
To explain the complexities of his plan, the House budget chairman and his filmmakers found inspiration in a BBC documentary by a Swedish global health professor. For real.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
Infographic of the Day: 15 Facts About America’s Income Inequality
The rich are getting richer at a pace that leaves everyone behind. And in the long run, that threatens our democracy.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
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