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CMS Launches New Doc Directory Site
The CMS has added new information about physicians and other healthcare providers to the agency’s physician directory tool. Called Physician Compare, the new site updates the agency’s healthcare provider directory that guides beneficiaries looking for Medicare-participating physicians online.
To read this article, go to: ModernHealthCare.com
Law Enforcement Using Analytical Tools to Predict Crime
Law enforcement agencies around the country are beginning to make use of predictive analysis software–until recently used mostly for business intelligence–to anticipate and prevent crime.
To read this article, go to: GCN.com
Coming Soon: The Thinking Camera, Courtesy of the Pentagon
What if your pocket video camera had the intelligence to figure out that the sportscar you’re recording as it zips down the street is accelerating and not about to stop? What if it could sense that the person standing in front of the car might get run over if he doesn’t move? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds, at least in the world of the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
Boehner to Use Facebook to Make Republican Takeover of Congress “Must-See TV”
Congressional swearing-in’s don’t usually garner much attention. A brief mention on the evening news is the most any publicity-hungry pol can hope for (other than endless haggling on audience-light cable news shows). But incoming House Speaker John Boehner (right) is about to change that.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
The State Department Has $30 Million to Spend on Internet Freedom
The State Department might not be very happy about WikiLeaks (and its publication of hundreds of thousands of confidential diplomatic communications), but that’s not making it put the brakes on its quest to foster Internet freedom around the world.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
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