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10 Great Public-sector Websites
Government Web managers are getting the message: Great agency websites must be blazing fast and easy to navigate and offer access to information–including financial data, meeting transcripts and contracting records–not traditionally provided to the public.
To read this article, go to: GCN.com
Job-killing Regulations? Opponents Fail to Support Claims with Evidence
House Republicans and the President jockeyed last week to demonstrate their opposition to “bad” regulations. House majority leader Eric Cantor was confrontational, rallying fellow-Republicans for an assault on “the job-killing regulations that have been pursued by this Administration.” President Obama struck a more nuanced note; while insisting that some regulations play an important and constructive role, he voiced irritation over a subset of rules that he described as wasteful, redundant, or “just plain dumb.” He added that he had directed the Office of Management and Budget to undertake a systematic review of those that “stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive.”
To read this article, go to: Remappingdebate.org
Climate Benefits of Natural Gas May Be Overstated
The United States is poised to bet its energy future on natural gas as a clean, plentiful fuel that can supplant coal and oil. But new research by the Environmental Protection Agency–and a growing understanding of the pollution associated with the full “life cycle” of gas production–is casting doubt on the assumption that gas offers a quick and easy solution to climate change.
To read this article, go to: Propublica.org
State of the Union, the Digital Party
Did you watch the State of the Union on television, old-school style? The real party was online. Photos! Infographics! Salmon! Here’s a deeper look.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
How Social Media Accelerated the Uprising in Egypt
Did Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube send people out into the streets? Of course not. Did they speed up the process of protest? Absolutely.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
Will Syria’s Revolution Be Organized… on Facebook?
Tunisia has been overthrown. Egypt is tottering. Now Facebook pages are calling for protests to begin in Syria later this week.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
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