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Tasting for Dollars: States Find New Ways to Tap Alcohol for Revenue
Republicans swept into office in 2010 vowing to cut, not raise taxes, even “sin” taxes like those on alcohol and tobacco, which historically have tended to go up when budgets get tight. In the recession year of 2009, more than a dozen states relied on higher alcohol or cigarette taxes to help dig themselves out of budget holes. But this year, Republican governors and legislatures decided they could generate needed revenue by changing their alcohol laws and leaving the tax rates alone.
To read this article, go to: Stateline.org
As Budgets Are Trimmed, Time in Class Is Shortened
After several years of state and local budget cuts, thousands of school
districts across the nation are gutting summer-school programs, cramming
classes into four-day weeks or lopping days off the school year, even
though virtually everyone involved in education agrees that American
students need more instruction time.
To read this article, go to: NYTimes.com
Medicaid Payments Go Under the Knife
To curb rising Medicaid costs, about a dozen states are starting a new budget year by reducing payments to doctors, hospitals and other health care providers that treat the poor.
To read this article, go to: USAToday.com
We Are Approaching Peak Car Use
Many major cities have seen a decline in driving over the past few years. The reasons for this are varied, but if it’s a continuing trend, it’s going to mean drastic changes for the way we shape our cities.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
A Sensing Probe in Every Car?
Sensors in new cars could track bad weather, pinpoint road congestion and prevent crashes.
Indeed, the Transportation Department is in long-term talks with car makers about what kinds of data could be collected by sensors placed in new vehicles.
To read this article, go to: GCN.com
Space Shuttle Technology That Fell to Earth
The Space Shuttle Atlantis lifted off at 11:20 a.m. Eastern time July 8, marking the beginning of the end for the shuttle program.
But although Atlantis’ 12-day mission will bring the shuttle era to a close, a lot of the technology developed for the program will live on in terrestrial surroundings.
To read this article, go to: GCN.com
Feds Creating Mobile Government Model for Agencies
The U.S. government hopes a new interactive project will give federal agencies a template to embrace and thrive in the mobile device movement. Called Making Mobile Gov, the program will establish a community-generated wiki and toolkit on how to implement mobile websites and applications that better serve citizens who need information from Uncle Sam while on-the-go.
To read this article, to to: GovTech.com
Cyberattacks Take Two Energy Labs Offline
Two Energy Department research facilities on opposite sides of the country have been taken offline by what one spokesman called a “sophisticated cyber attack.”
To read this article, go to: GCN.com
Cestagi.com Helps Keep Achievements Current
Cestagi.com a free service that simplifies maintenance of your biographical sketch page, vitae or resume, by providing a simple step-by-step process framework. With the push of a button you can export your vitae from anywhere in the world in matter of seconds as long as you have Internet access. Modify it and it is ready for your next proposal or job offer.
To visit this site, go to: Cestagi.com
How To Dig Out After A Long Weekend
Ah, the joy of long holiday weekends. They re-energize, revitalize and send you back to work… feeling you like you’ve slept in late and got a term paper due at noon. The reasons for this are unclear–vacations are planned for, coworkers notified to pick up the slack, email generally avoided–but just one extra day off can throw your entire week out of sync.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
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