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Colleges Now Offering Education in Disaster
Carlene Pinto watched from her middle-school classroom in Brooklyn as the plane pierced the second tower; then she trudged the three miles home as paperwork and dust rained from the sky. Rebecca Rodriguez felt helpless as a teenager watching Hurricane Katrina unfold on television. And Lindsay Yates still shudders at the recollection of Hurricane Fran, which killed two dozen people in her native North Carolina when she was a second grader.
Now in their early 20s, these women might be members of a support group for those brushed by trauma at a tender age. Instead, they spent the spring term studying disaster mental health at the State University of New York campus here.
To read this article, go to: NYTimes.com
How Educated are State Legislators?
It’s a tension that dates to the founding of the country: In our representative democracy, should those who make the laws reflect the entire citizenry, or should they be chosen from an educated elite?
To read this article, go to: Chronicle.com
Immigrant Skills on the Rise
Despite public perception of immigrants as being poorly educated, the high-skilled U.S. immigrant population today outnumbers the low-skilled population. Audrey Singer and co-authors explain in a new report that U.S. global competitiveness rests on ensuring that these new arrivals and their children thrive economically and contribute to the nation’s productivity.
To read this article, go to: Brookings.edu
Mozilla Chief: Government Alone Can’t Solve Online Privacy
“I’m smack in the middle of all of this, and it’s hard to imagine legislation right now that we would know how to implement, or know what to do with,” says Mitchell Baker, chairwoman of the Mozilla Foundation.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
New Software Helps Local Governments Unify Operations, Data Analytics
Municipalities have a new tool to integrate disparate computer systems. This month IBM debuted its Intelligent Operations Center for Smarter Cities technology, which connects siloed programs in local government departments, captures real-time data and sends the information to decision-makers.
To read this article, go to: GovTech.com
States Push to Convert Interstate Highways into Toll Roads
The needs are piling up. A recent study shows that Rhode Island must spend about $300 million more a year just to keep its current roads and bridges in good repair. That is twice as much as the state typically spends.
There is an obvious way to pay for the needed upkeep—make Interstate 95 into a toll road as it crosses the state. But that idea may be illegal.
To read this article, go to: Stateline.org
Road Trains–Not Driverless Cars–Are The Future Of Hands-Free Driving
Before we get cars driven fully by computers, we’ll have platoons of vehicles lead by a professional driver that let you take your eyes off the road and save fuel. They’ll be on the road in Europe by 2020.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
Looking For Talent? Here Are Three Steps To Making The Right Hire
Eric Ryan, the cofounder of cleaning-product company Method, discusses his tried-and-true screening process.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
Validating Increased Performance Webinar
Join your colleagues from around the nation for ASPA’s webinar “Validating Increased Performance” on July 20. Federal and State legislatures are continuing to demand that executive branch agencies produce better results under heightened compliance requirements and increased scrutiny. These laws and their enabling regulations have improved governmental performance. However, the increased focus on accountability has also increased the risk of performance misstatement. In this presentation, attendees explore four cases of performance misstatement and then use them to suggest ways that agencies can validate their results. Validated and reliable performance data helps improve agenda delivery of objectives and promotes citizen confidence.
The speaker is Dr. Rick Humphress, a Public Sector Specialist with Oracle who advises international, federal, state and local governments on the use of technology solutions to solve public sector problems. There will be ample time for questions and answers.
This webinar will take place at 1:00 PM Eastern Time and last 60 minutes. The cost is $25 for ASPA members and $50 for non-members. Not a member? Get one year of full membership and the webinar for $100 – a savings of $25! Register today to guarantee your spot.
Public Integrity Symposium “Gender and Ethics”
“Up, up and away” – “Go, girl, go” – yes, you have spent years as a professional. You have education, experience and expertise. You have followed the rules of the game, customs and mores of your profession…and BUMP. You hit not just a bumpy road, but a “glass ceiling.”
A glass ceiling is the invisible, impenetrable barrier that keeps women from rising to high level positions in the workplace, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.
Professions notable for their glass ceiling include: finance, law, science, manufacturing, engineering, politics, computer technology, medical et al. This CALL seeks 1-2 page vignettes on your professional glass ceiling. Proposals for refereed vignettes to be included in the Symposium on “Gender and Ethics” (see attachment) will seek to identify your professional issue, discuss the diverse elements and conclude with recommendations to break through the ceiling.
Thus, steps include:
1. Identify the glass ceiling facts, empirical data. Examine the length, depth, history, etc. of the ceiling in your profession.
2. Discuss the impact on professional Women in your glass ceiling.
3. Recommendations – long-term and short-term, to break through the glass ceiling in your profession: realistic, pragmatic, doable recommendations.
Guest editors of this symposium are Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Louisiana State University (cljrkwcz@ lsu.edu), Karin M. Lasthuizen, VU University ([email protected]), and Frances Burke, Integrity International ([email protected]). Please submit proposals for the Glass Ceiling Vignette to FRANCES BURKE, Integrity International, by 30 July 2011. Selected authors will be determined by mid-August with full papers due 15 January; revisions will be due 15 April 2012.”
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