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Attendees at ASPA‘s National
Conference heard about this first, straight from Volcker himself, as he
gave the Society‘s annual Elliot Richardson
Lecture this past April.
High-performance Government Essential to Restore Trust
With public trust in the federal government approaching an
all-time low and the government expecting a “talent drain” in the
coming years, something needs to be done to change the public’s
perception of government and public service.
To read this article, go to: Federal Times
Mending a Broken Government
William Galston argues that deep political polarization is
blocking progress on the economic crisis. He proposes provocative
solutions in a policy brief that will be released at a Brookings event
today, “Is Government Broken? Strengthening Democracy through Election
and Governance Reforms.”
To read this article, go to: Brookings Institute
The Security Hole You Probably Forgot to Close
If the past 20 years has taught us anything, it is that
technology is a double-edged sword. For every advance in functionality
and convenience, there is a corresponding increase in risk.
To read this article, go to: GCN.com
VA Unveils 26 Innovative Health IT Ideas to Advance
Patient Care
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki has announced
the 26 winning entries of an in-house contest designed to come up with
innovative ideas for using health information technology to boost care
for veterans. These include using computerized patient record
system-based reports and queries to curb hospital-acquired infections
and enhancing case management and chronic disease care.
To read this article, go to: Healthcare IT News
How Can Big Cities Adapt to Climate Change?
Regardless of whether climate change is real, man-made, or
happening at an accelerated rate, there’s no harm in preparing for the
worst. In Climate Change Adaptation in New York City, a new report from
the New York City Panel on Climate Change, a motley crew of scientists,
government officials and legal, risk management, and insurance experts
plan out the city’s attempt to survive in the face of climate change.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
Top 5 Best
Places to Have a Government Job
Wow..so my Top 5 Worst Places to Have a
Government Job
really got people going. Some controversy of my five but such is life
with any list. Let‘s switch it around and go to
the Top 5 places to have a Government Job.
To read this article, go to: GovLoop.com
Top 5 Ways to
Handle a Boring Meeting
I‘m writing a
little series on Top
5s. I‘ll write my top 5s on various topics and I
encourage you to write yours.
To read this article, go to: GovLoop.com
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