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40% Say Being a Good Citizen is Different From Being a Patriot
Forty-percent (40%) of voters nationwide say that being a good citizen
and being a patriot are the same thing. The latest Rasmussen Reports
national telephone survey finds that another 40% disagree and 19% are
not sure.
To read this article go to: Rasmussen Reports
44% Say Change America Needs Will Come from Volunteers, Not Government
While politicians struggle against an anti-incumbent mood sweeping the country, a plurality of Americans are looking beyond the government to find solutions for the nation’s problems. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% believe volunteer activities and organizations are more likely than new government programs to bring about the change needed in the United States.
To read this article go to: Rasmussen
You might think that after nearly two decades of data breaches,
identity theft and other online risks, your average end user would
understand by now the importance of creating strong passwords and
protecting them.
You would be wrong.
To read this article go to: Government Computer News
The White House announced recently that the website that tracks the
multibillion-dollar economic stimulus program is moving to a cloud
To read this article go to: Nextgov.com
Tax Evaders Beware: NY State Has an App for That
A 10-year collaboration between IBM and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has produced analytical tools to help with auditing returns and collecting delinquent taxes.
To read this article go to: Government Computer News
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