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Obama Names Chairmen of Oil Spill Commission
President Obama announced Saturday that former Florida Sen. Bob Graham and former EPA Administrator William K. Reilly will lead a presidential commission investigating the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
To read this article go to: USA TODAY
Banking Lobbyists Outnumber Lawmakers
As lawmakers advance President Obama’s banking overhaul legislation, a new report from the Center for Public Integrity finds that Wall Street interests have hired five lobbyists for every member of Congress.
To read this article go to: USA TODAY
Survey Shows Politicians Least Trusted Profession
A new survey commissioned by Sandler Training reveals that the sales industry, which is often thought of as the least trusted profession, no longer holds this title. When asked which professions people trust the least 68 percent of survey respondents (or just over two-thirds in a nationwide poll) ranked politicians first, which may be a reflection of the current economic and political uncertainty. Salespeople were a distant second at 9 percent, followed by lawyers (7 percent), journalists (6 percent), bankers (6 percent), and mechanics (5 percent).
To read this article go to: Sandler Training
72% Not Confident Congress Knows What It’s Doing When It Comes to The Economy
Even as Congress puts the finishing touches on legislation asserting more government control over the U.S. financial industry, most U.S. voters continue to believe the legislators have little idea what they’re doing when it comes to the economy.
To read this article go to: Rasmussen Reports
Cyber Challenge: 10,000 Security Warriors Wanted
Karen Evans understands the need for online security–and for people who really know how to implement it properly. Evans, who spent 28 years with the federal government in the Office of Management and Budget as administrator for e-government and information technology and chief information officer for the Department of Energy, among other positions, was in charge of a project during the Bill Clinton administration to bring Internet access to the Department of Justice.
To read this article go to: Government Computer News
Password Apps vs. Post-it Notes: Showdown in the Lab
Face it. It’s difficult, if not impossible, for you to keep track of all your passwords. You probably have to change the passwords you use to access your work computer every three months, or even more often. Add to that your personal computer and all the various Web sites through which you conduct transactions and business, and it’s easy to accumulate dozens of different passwords.
To read this article go to: Government Computer News
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