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Study of Health Care Law Rebuts State Protests on
Medicaid Costs
The federal government will bear virtually the entire cost
of expanding Medicaid under the new health-care law, according to a
comprehensive new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation that directly
rebuts the loud protests of governors warning about its impact on their
strapped state budgets.
To read this article, go to: The Washington Post
Cities, County Mergers Complex but Cost-effective
Strains on government budgets and demands for more
efficiency are stirring new interest in merging cities with counties.
To read this article, go to: USA TODAY
How Web-based Technologies are Reinventing Government
The convergence of government and technology innovations taking root
across the United States and the world was on parade today at the
Washington Convention Center, in a series of rapid-fire presentations by
government and industry officials on how governments are connecting
with citizens.
To read this article, go to: Federal Computer Week
Dan Heath: Want Your Organization to Change? Put
Feelings First
When we want people to change, we try to teach them something. We
think if my Dad just understood the health complications obesity causes,
he’d eat healthier. Or if my teenager just understood the danger of
texting & driving, she’d quit it. The problem is this: Knowledge
rarely leads to change.
To read this article, go to: FastCompany.com
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