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Investing in People: Health, Preventative Care, and Wellness

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASPA as an organization.

By Carvis C. Durr
May 6, 2024


Health is a multifaceted concept encompassing physical, mental and social well-being, going beyond the absence of disease. When illness strikes, it can impede our ability to fulfill our societal duties, highlighting the critical need for quality healthcare services that are both accessible and available. High-quality healthcare supports individual and collective productivity and well-being, making it a crucial factor for societal growth. While opinions on affordable healthcare access may differ, the value of quality healthcare services should not be up for debate. While business leaders and HR professionals make essential decisions regarding human capital, employees’ personal choices significantly impact an organization. Decisions made by employees regarding their health and overall wellness can have far-reaching consequences that are often overlooked. Public health is not just a personal matter but a societal responsibility. Our health, loved ones and colleagues directly impact our daily lives. We all recognize that age affects health in many ways. As our society ages, there is an increasing need for medical intervention, hospitalization and preventative care. Four primary medical conditions—cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity—account for 75 percent of healthcare expenses, placing a significant burden on both individuals and society. Taking initiative-taking steps to address these conditions is essential for personal well-being and enhancing life quality for all while ensuring the sustainability of our healthcare system. Organizations that take the initiative in implementing voluntary health programs not only improve the well-being of their employees but also play a significant role in shaping a healthier society and a more sustainable healthcare system. These programs evaluate employees for smoking, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol and provide tangible benefits such as reduced healthcare insurance premiums for employees’ families and encouragement for healthy lifestyle choices. By fostering a culture of health, these organizations are enhancing the lives of their employees and contributing to a healthier society and a more sustainable healthcare system.

Preventative Care

Healthcare institutions are responsible for ensuring citizens’ physical, mental and social well-being. Their role in treating and preventing illnesses and regulating the dispensation of medicine is vital to providing safe and effective treatment. The healthcare system operates within several factors such as families, education, religion, politics and economics, all of which impact the overall health of individuals and society. Access to healthcare and the ability to pay for it is intricately linked to economic well-being. Those who cannot afford healthcare risk developing illnesses that can affect their overall well-being. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that healthcare is accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status. Health comprises the absence of illness and a comprehensive state that includes physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual well-being. The healthcare system must address all these aspects to promote overall well-being, highlighting the need for an integrated approach to healthcare. A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of good health, and the healthcare system is vital in promoting preventive care to maintain it. To achieve this, it is essential to prioritize a diet rich in whole and nutritious foods, exercise regularly, practice stress management techniques and limit alcohol consumption. These are the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle that can help prevent chronic diseases and other health issues. In addition to these lifestyle changes, routine checkups are crucial for maintaining health. Regular checkups are like car maintenance, including oil checks, tire rotations and brake inspections. They help identify potential health concerns early on, making managing them more accessible and preventing further complications. Preventive care is critical to avoiding potential health problems and maintaining overall well-being.


Ensuring employee well-being is critical in driving organizational productivity, especially in the United States. As individuals and corporations bear healthcare expenses, organizations must invest in wellness programs to support their employees. Rising healthcare costs often lead to limited disposable income, resulting in organizations needing to create a health-conscious work environment. To address this issue, organizations can implement wellness programs based on sound research. These programs can significantly impact public health and the organization’s success. Practical and accessible examples of wellness programs include yoga classes, stress management seminars and financial health programs. The link between a company’s wellness program and other benefits, like employee assistance programs (EAPs), is crucial to making it easier for employees to receive support. Measures such as healthy vending machines, ergonomic furniture and regular health checkups can also establish a health-conscious workplace that promotes healthy behaviors daily. A healthy work environment can reduce employee stress, promote mental well-being and boost morale. Employee well-being is essential to organizational productivity, and investing in wellness programs can result in significant benefits. Organizations can foster healthy behaviors to improve employee well-being, promote public health and achieve long-term success.

Author: Carvis C. Durr, a Ph.D. student and Graduate Instructor at the University of Central Florida’s School of Sociology and Statistics. Carvis holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration and two Master’s degrees in Business Administration and Leadership/Human Resource Development. Carvis is a member of the Scholar Strategy Network. Follow Carvis on Twitter @Iamcarvis or check out his professional profile on LinkedIn.

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