PA TIMES Publishes Student Symposia on Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery
Washington, DC–The April/May/June 2012 print issue of PA TIMES published a series of articles on the topic of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery. The pieces linked below are part of a Student Symposia from that issue.
The PA TIMES would like to thank Stacey Mann, assistant professor in the department of emergency management at Jacksonville State University, and the students in her recent Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery class for their submissions. Working with PA TIMES, Mann created an assignment for her class with the understanding that several of the top papers would be published in PA TIMES.
The following articles from the Student Symposia are listed in alphabetical order. Constructive comments and responses to the papers are encouraged and can be submitted directly to the scholar at their email address, or by posting a comment below each article.
- Failing to Properly Plan, by David Abels
- The Federal Continuity Crisis, by Paul Beach
- Alert Them at any Hour, by Daniel Bowen
- Infrastructure Damage/Condition Assessment:
Utilizing Collaborative Emergency Management
Principles to Plan for Seismic Events, by Chad Buechler
- Warning the Public in a Language They Understand, by Destiny Davidson
- Disaster Exercises: Set the Standard, by Andrew Holcomb
- Internal Organization Planning for Disasters, by Jennifer S. Johnson
- Social Media and the Emergency Manager: Friends or Foes?, by Jacqui Knife
- Community Characteristics Preventing the
Proper Implementation of a Disaster Plan, by Matthew Polek
- Leading When Morale is Low, by Christopher Sievert
- The Validity of Safety Systems Designed to
Protect Emergency Responders, by Craig M. Tuckett
- Problems with FEMA’s Crisis Counseling Program, by Brooks Wiley
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
PA TIMES Publishes Student Symposia on Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery
Washington, DC–The April/May/June 2012 print issue of PA TIMES published a series of articles on the topic of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery. The pieces linked below are part of a Student Symposia from that issue.
The PA TIMES would like to thank Stacey Mann, assistant professor in the department of emergency management at Jacksonville State University, and the students in her recent Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery class for their submissions. Working with PA TIMES, Mann created an assignment for her class with the understanding that several of the top papers would be published in PA TIMES.
The following articles from the Student Symposia are listed in alphabetical order. Constructive comments and responses to the papers are encouraged and can be submitted directly to the scholar at their email address, or by posting a comment below each article.
Utilizing Collaborative Emergency Management
Principles to Plan for Seismic Events, by Chad Buechler
Proper Implementation of a Disaster Plan, by Matthew Polek
Protect Emergency Responders, by Craig M. Tuckett
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
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