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ASPA’s Section for Women in Public Administration (SWPA) is soliciting nominations of outstanding public managers, scholars or long serving public servants. The section will recognize individuals at the Annual Conference March 15-19 in New Orleans.
Individuals can be nominated for one of three awards that recognizes innovative leadership, service to SWPA and outstanding research related to gender issues and the public service. To nominate an individual, download the nomination form.
Nominations must be received by January 31. You do not have to be an ASPA member to make a nomination. The awards and nomination criteria are:
Joan Fiss Bishop Leadership Award
Established in 1985, the honoree by example and action, has: promoted increased participation of women in the public service profession; exhibited a defined contribution to increased involvement in the public sector; shown innovative leadership and accomplished professionalism in their public service career, and made a commitment to the profession through current or past ASPA membership.
Marcia P. “Marcy” Crowley Service to SWPA Award
Originally established in 1991 and rededicated in 2007, the honoree is recognized for: outstanding service to SWPA; their service to the Section for several years; and for making a demonstrated impact on the work of the Section. NOTE: Honoree MUST be a current Section member in good standing.
Rita Mae Kelly Distinguished Research Award
Originally established in 1991, the honoree is recognized for: their research contribution to gender-related issues; performing research on an issue(s) significant to women’s role in public administration; and making an impact through research on women’s lives. NOTE: Honoree is NOT required to be an ASPA or SWPA member.
Julia J. Henderson International Award
Originally established in 2007, the honoree is recognized for their demonstrated commitment to: international public admini-stration, in particular, or to international public service, in general, by a lifetime of public service; or to careers in international public administration and public service. NOTE: Honoree is NOT required to be an ASPA or SWPA member.
Award nominations should be emailed to Nancy Foye-Cox, SWPA National Awards Chair, at [email protected]. The specific SWPA National Award should be mentioned in the e-mail subject line.
To complete a nomination form, please go to the SWPA web site at www.aspaonline.org/swpa. Or submit a cover letter with the candidate’s award qualifications, including contact information for the nominator. Please attach the candidate’s vita and/or resume with their current contact information. The Awards Committee submits recommendations to SWPA’s Board of Directors for final approval. Awards will be presented at the annual SWPA Breakfast on Monday, March 18 during ASPA’s Annual Conference in New Orleans LA.
All nominations must be received by Thursday, January 31st.
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