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ASPA is pleased to announce that Thad W. Allen, Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard (retired), has agreed to serve as ASPA’s 2011-2012 Executive Advisor. Allen will serve as a visible symbol of ASPA’s important role in public administration and will encourage active participation in ASPA by his peers.
Thad Allen joined RAND as a Senior Fellow in October 2010, after more than 39 years of service with the United States Coast Guard. Allen completed his distinguished Coast Guard career as its 23rd Commandant, retiring from that position in June 2010.
On May 1, 2010, President Barack Obama selected Admiral Allen to serve as the National Incident Commander for the unified response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico—a position he held concurrently while finishing his tenure as Commandant of the Coast Guard. In that position, Allen was charged with oversight of all response efforts to cease the flow of oil and mitigate the effects of the worst oil disaster in U.S. history. Working closely with the federal on-scene coordinator, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security, Defense, Interior, Commerce, and Health and Human Services, he sought to bring a global unity of effort to response endeavors. Allen was also in charge of coordinating with various state and local entities, as well as directing the efforts of BP, the responsible party in the spill.
The Executive Advisor position is funded by the Vaden-Rey Foundation through the ASPA Endowment. Their generous support ensures a volunteer leadership position at the national level. It also provides our members with the opportunity to interact with distinguished public servants.
For more information about the American Society for Public Administration and its programs visit www.aspanet.org.
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