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Arguably, innovation is a key determinant of the competitive advantage of nations. Little wonder therefore that governments around the world want to be seen promoting innovation.…
This is the final of four columns about a simple, but powerful, formula: Success = (Competence + Motivation)*Empowerment. Empowerment, as I’ve defined it for the formula, is the total of…
It is time to discuss the roles state and local eligibility caseworkers play in conveying health benefits to Americans. Over the past two decades, public agency caseworkers' roles have narrowed…
Typically, when we consider societal movement from one epoch to another, we view the transition in positive terms, believing each new era represents progress in the human condition. However, movement…
Across the country, the environment in which many nonprofit organizations operate is shifting. Changing demographics, such as aging populations and more children living in poverty, affect a nonprofit’s ability to…
When we hear the names Columbine, Sandy Hook, Orlando and Aurora we now immediately associate them with the tragic mass shootings that occurred in each of these cities. Sadly, this…
Although the DACA program became official in 2012, debates regarding how to address the issue of undocumented children in the United States have been ongoing. Attempts to pass legislation related…
Good governance of public goods takes on different shapes at the local, state and federal levels of government. However, one thing that remains the same is that there are times…
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASPA as an organization. By David Carter October 3, 2017 Voluntary programs are a…
Community policing is a local government innovation that promises to increase public safety and trust in police. It is a program, or set of programs, increasingly used by local governments…
Accounting for Social Issues… And How Public Administration Saves the Day (and the Agency)
Agency accounting is essential to the social movement and its most problematic. As the executive director of a social service agency, the altruistic—teacher, social worker, counselor—wants to “save the world.”…
October 16, 2017No CommentRead More