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Where are Government’s Great Places to Work?

Where are Government’s Great Places to Work?

The train has left the station. In every other sector there is a focus on the policies and practices which make organizations “great places to work.” Government’s workforce problems—the aging…

Leadership Lessons We Can Learn from Dr. Martin Luther King’s Life of Service

Leadership Lessons We Can Learn from Dr. Martin Luther King’s Life of Service

King finished the speech outline at about midnight and then wrote a draft in longhand. One of his aides who went to King's suite that night saw words crossed out…

Ideas for a Federal Government Intervention to Improve Conditions in the U.S. South

Ideas for a Federal Government Intervention to Improve Conditions in the U.S. South

A 2017 report on health outcomes in the states highlights how poorly populations in the South are fairing when it comes to their physical well-being. Privately, many of my colleagues…

How MPA Students Can Have an Edge

How MPA Students Can Have an Edge

I suggest MPA courses be heavily weighted toward practitioner skills and knowledge to give students the best chance in a tough job market. MPA students can gain an edge in…

Public Administration: An Art Worth Saving

Public Administration: An Art Worth Saving

The world has produced a litany of manifestations and descriptions of public administration. In doing so, almost 200 countries have succeeded in creating a parade of acronyms, organizational charts, job…

Bags Packed? Public Service Empowerment after Disaster

Bags Packed? Public Service Empowerment after Disaster

They are everywhere. I keep running into them - these people who deployed in support of the 2017 hurricane season. Voluntary organizations, the private sector – you name it and…

The Big Questions Facing Public Administration in 2018

The Big Questions Facing Public Administration in 2018

Exactly what are the big questions facing the world of Public Administration in 2018? Over the next few months I plan to write columns on each of these questions, lest…

Undoing National Monuments

Undoing National Monuments

Environmentalists were outraged this past December when President Trump announced he was reducing the size of two national monuments in Utah: Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante. These were big…

Is Your Organization Mentally Healthy?

Is Your Organization Mentally Healthy?

Public organizations are not immune from dysfunctions experienced in any sector. When should we seek help as administrators? What are the indicators of similarities between individual or group therapy and…

Funding for Services to Veteran Families and Children in Veterans Treatment Courts

Funding for Services to Veteran Families and Children in Veterans Treatment Courts

Over the last four months we have written articles about how Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs) can incorporate children’s services into their courts. We discuss how to collaborate at the local…

An Information Campaign about Public Health Insurance Program Financing Could Facilitate Health Reform

An Information Campaign about Public Health Insurance Program Financing Could Facilitate Health Reform

Many Americans believe beneficiaries of means-tested public health insurance programs, such as Medicaid, do not contribute towards their coverage by paying taxes. They are wrong; the vast majority of U.S.…