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The Public Service Renaissance: The Only Door That Stays Open

The Public Service Renaissance: The Only Door That Stays Open

I believe governmental structures the world over are in a renaissance. You're probably reading this and thinking I give public service way too much credit if I dare to compare…

Summing Up: Reflections from Japan on “Good” Public Governance – Local, National and Global

Summing Up: Reflections from Japan on “Good” Public Governance – Local, National and Global

My articles avoided the so-called “best practice” approach, and emphasized more on the deficiencies in the Japanese practices in light of the UN good public governance principles. I love my…

Education: The True American Dream

Education: The True American Dream

If you work hard enough, you can achieve anything you set your mind to do. I see this truth in education. Growing up in a town where rich and poor…

Publishing and Perishing as a Doctoral Student

Publishing and Perishing as a Doctoral Student

Writing, editing, submitting, revising, resubmitting, selecting… each stage comes with its own challenges, but the choice is yours to ultimately publish or perish.…

Lesson Learned: The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) – How Project Management Improves the Stockpiling and Management of Nuclear Material

Lesson Learned: The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) – How Project Management Improves the Stockpiling and Management of Nuclear Material

While efforts are being made to stop the use of nuclear material to harm citizens, there is an agency which advocates for the use of nuclear science to advance society’s…

Predicting the Unpredictable: BRAC impact on Local Government

Predicting the Unpredictable: BRAC impact on Local Government

Military spending by the federal government is a powerful economic stimulator. Since the funds are coming from federal tax revenues, they have a multiplier effect on the region in which…

Nineteenth Amendment

Nineteenth Amendment

Where a woman’s place is has never been quite decided. My girlfriends and I subtly dispute this often over brunch. Should I get married? Would I want to be a…

Taking a Knee – Revisited

Taking a Knee – Revisited

One year ago I wrote my Public Administration Times column on Collin Kaepernick’s “taking a knee.” Since then, some of what I stated has come true. For example, NFL team…

Innovation is Driven by Failure

Innovation is Driven by Failure

Every week government officials hear the constant ring of pundits and others saying — Why don't you act more like a business? Why aren't you more innovative? Even with the…

The Distributed Consensus Technology Road to Direct Democracy?

The Distributed Consensus Technology Road to Direct Democracy?

By now, you have probably heard of the new internet technology, blockchain. The blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin which started the digital cryptocurrencies. Blockchain allows for a secure and…

In Defense of Democratic Governance

In Defense of Democratic Governance

The reality of political control of bureaucracy in a democratic society is often a difficult one. Things can move slow, problems can linger and expert advice can go unheeded. It…